
Is It Better to Be Polite or Frank?

Adults Culture
We live in an age that thinks highly of frankness and directness. But there are - nevertheless - a few reasons why politeness remains a hugely important quality.

Kids' assumptions toward gender roles are turned around at career day in school.

Adults Culture
When a real-life firefighter, surgeon, and fighter pilot drop in on a classroom, these kids have their assumptions about gender roles turned around.

Kids Try 100 Years of Sandwiches from 1900 to 2000 | Bon Appetit

Adults Culture
We had a panel of kids prepare and taste test 100 years of sandwiches from 1900 to today. Here's what they thought about PBJs, po' boys, paninis, and everything in between.

How To Be A Genius

Adults Culture
"We hear a lot about genius. We are taught to admire the minds of those infinite, baffling but astonishing geniuses like Einstein, Tolstoy or Picasso. Quite what genius might actually be is left a little vague. It's a codeword for 'brilliant but perhaps too other-worldly ever really to fathom.' We are invited to stand in awe at the achievements of geniuses but also to feel that their thought processes might be quasi-magical and that it is ultimately simply mysterious how they were ever able to come up with the ideas they have had..."


Adults Culture
Goethe is one of the great minds of European civilisation, though his work is largely unknown outside of the German speaking countries. He deserves our renewed attention.

Bug Chef | David George Gordon // 60 Second Docs

Adults Culture
The Bug Chef, aka David George Gordon, released an insect-based cookbook in 1998 and has been cooking with bugs ever since, a traveling chef sauteing scorpions for cheering crowds. Rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, two billion people are already eating bugs; Gordon's just bringing gourmets up to speed. As our population grows another billion in the next 40 years, Gordon warns that humans will have to find alternate protein sources to spare the environment -- and he thinks bugs are just the superfood we need.

How to Have a Good Conversation

Adults Culture
We too often imagine that 'good conversations' are things we fall into out of luck. Far from it, knowing how to have a good conversation is a skill that can be learnt - and here are the beginning of the rules.

Why Japan has so many vending machines

Adults Culture
What vending machines can teach you about this country

China's "boy" band

Adults Culture
In the increasingly crowded universe of Chinese pop groups, FFC-Acrush stands out for one reason: it's a boy band with no boys in it.

How tap dancing was made in America

Adults Culture
Tap dancing originated in America. It's a mix of several dance styles-Irish jigging, British clogging, and the percussive steps from African dance. Tap dancing can be traced back to Five Points, now known as Chinatown in New York city. Tap dance also has its roots in minstrel shows, where it was viewed as American comedy. In the 70s, tap dancing legends, Jane Goldberg and Brenda Bufalino took tap from the bright show tune lights of Broadway back to a place of self expression.

The history of tea - Shunan Teng

Adults Culture
Tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world after water -- and from sugary Turkish Rize tea to salty Tibetan butter tea, there are almost as many ways of preparing the beverage as there are cultures on the globe. Where did this beverage originate, and how did it become so popular? Shunan Teng details tea's long history. Lesson by Shunan Teng, animation by Steff Lee.

A brief history of goths - Dan Adams

Adults Culture
What do fans of atmospheric post-punk music have in common with ancient barbarians? Not much ... so why are both known as "goths"? Is it a weird coincidence - or is there a deeper connection stretching across the centuries? Dan Adams investigates. Lesson by Dan Adams, animation by Globizco.

9-Year-Old Piano Prodigy | Ryan Wang // 60 Second Docs

Adults Culture
Ryan Wang is a typical 9-year-old boy, with one extreme exception -- he's a world-famous classical piano prodigy. In 2013, when he was just five years old, he performed at Carnegie Hall, and has since made appearances on The Ellen Show and with the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra. And through it all, Ryan remains a normal kid who loves life offstage, too.

What Are The Best Universities In The World?

Adults Culture
Ivy League schools may be famous, but none of them make it in the top three. So what are the world's best universities?

Why The Popular Kids Don't Stay Cool

Adults Culture
Some people in high school engage in risky behavior, such as drinking and smoking, in an attempt to be cool. Does this pay off long term? Join Tara as she reports on new research showing that being popular in high school might be bad in your adulthood!


Adults Culture
In several countries, some famous scenes from different animated films look quite different from the way they look in other countries. You might not know this, but people working in animated films love their work and their audience, and sometimes change their films to include some important aspects for this or that culture. So, here are 5 animated films that look different in other countries.

How one woman used fashion to reclaim her Muslim American identity

Adults Culture
From skater girl to Muslim hipster this is Layla Shaikley's American story.