
Raffaello D'Andrea: The astounding athletic power of quadcopters

Adults Gadgets
In a robot lab at TEDGlobal, Raffaello D'Andrea demos his flying quadcopters: robots that think like athletes, solving physical problems with algorithms that help them learn. In a series of nifty demos, D'Andrea show drones that play catch, balance and make decisions together -- and watch out for an I-want-this-now demo of Kinect-controlled quads.

All eyes on the S4

Adults Gadgets
Find out how people in Zurich used their eyes to win a Samsung Galaxy S4 of their own. It's inbuilt Smart Pause function means the S4 knows when someone is looking at it. The longer a participant stares at the screen, the bigger the discount is. But watch out! The game ends the moment eye contact ends. An S4 was handed out for free after 60 minutes.

Windows Project Glass: One day too...

Adults Gadgets
Microsoft released their augmented reality glasses prototype right away...

Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter pre-release video

Adults Gadgets
So we have all seen a quadrocopter before, but just look at the size and agility of this one. Needless to say that sound is quite scary when it just comes out of nowhere! Turn your volume up for a jumpy ride.

Here's the Surface tablet I really want!

Adults Gadgets
Some Australian dude upgraded his Surface table (which ran a special version of Windows 7) to regular Windows 8 -- and here's what it looks like. What's the matter with you, Microsoft? Are you going to wait until Apple has a giant touch desktop on the market for four years before you try to enter the market?

Use a Cordless Power Drill in the Kitchen

Adults Gadgets
A cordless drill is probably the last thing you'd imagine being useful in a kitchen, but over on Make Projects, DIYer Jason Poel Smith shows off how to use a drill to quickly clean dirty pans, as a mixer, cheese grater, and pepper mill attachment.

How to Wrap Your Heaphones Without Losing Your Mind

Adults Gadgets
Now you can watch videos without fighting your crazy pile of headphones first.