
What’s in the air you breathe? - Amy Hrdina and Jesse Kroll

Adults Human
Together, nitrogen, oxygen and argon make up 99.93% of our air. So what’s the other .07%? Find out what makes up the air you breathe.

TRUE Limits Of Humanity – The Final Border We Will Never Cross

Adults Human
Is there a border we will never cross? Are there places we will never reach, no matter how hard we try? It turns out, there are. Even with sci-fi technology, we are trapped in a limited pocket of the Universe and the finite stuff within it. How much universe is there for us and how far can we go?

Which Will Kill You First?

Adults Human
The body can get a whole lot colder - but not a whole lot hotter - before we die. Why is that?

Brad Makes Fermented Pasta Sauce | It's Alive | Bon Appétit

Adults Human
It's Alive with Brad Leone is back for episode 80 and this time Brad is making fermented pasta sauce.

Why every world map is wrong - Kayla Wolf

Adults Human
Dig into the inaccuracies of flat maps and how different map designs can shift our point of view.

World’s Most Expensive Mango

Adults Human
A friend from out of town gifts you with a delicious-looking mango. An odd gift but who can deny a bite of the juicy fruit! You cut into only to find out that this mango cost $3,600!

Can you solve the fantasy election riddle? - Dennis E. Shasha

Adults Human
After much debate, the realm has decided dragon jousting may not be the best way to choose its leaders, and has begun transitioning to democracy.

Illusions of Time

Adults Human
Your brain is a time machine!

How would you finish the sentence, “Imagine if…”? - Sir Ken Robinson

Adults Human
Share how you would reimagine the world by finishing the sentence “Imagine if…”

Can loud music damage your hearing?

Adults Human
Dig into the properties of sound to find out just how bad loud music is for your hearing.

Four Reasons Our Brains Suck At Pandemics

Adults Human
You can read Bill & Melinda Gates' 2021 letter at​ Certain cognitive biases cause humans to make unsafe decisions in a pandemic, making a terrible disease even worse.

Online Friends vs IRL Friends - Which is Better?

Adults Human
More people are making friends online than ever before due to Covid-19. Are virtual friends better or worse than IRL friends?

I Asked Bill Gates What's The Next Crisis?

Adults Human
I got the chance to interview Bill Gates so I asked him: Will Covid-19 be the last pandemic? How does he deal with misinformation and conspiracy theories? And what is the next disaster?

What if every satellite suddenly disappeared? - Moriba Jah

Adults Human
Explore what would happen if all of humanity’s satellites disappeared and the real-life scenarios that could lead to such a catastrophe.

The rise of the Ottoman Empire - Mostafa Minawi

Adults Human
Explore the early days of the Ottoman Empire, as shrewd political rulers grew the principality into an intercontinental empire.

Most Spoiled Kids in the World

Adults Human
Some parents spoil their kids with whatever they want, but when your parents are Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey being spoiled gets taken to a whole new level.

Accent Expert Gives a Tour of U.S. Accents - (Part One)

Adults Human
Dialect coach Erik Singer takes us on a tour of different accents across English-speaking North America.