
How the James Webb Space Telescope Will Unfold the Universe | John C. Mather | TED

Adults Science
The James Webb Space Telescope is a miracle of modern science and engineering.

Why All Melodies Should Be Free for Musicians to Use | Damien Riehl | TED

Adults Science
Evoke a familiar tune in a song and get slapped with a lawsuit ... it's a tale almost as old as copyright itself.

How Electricity Actually Works

Adults Science
Electricity is related to magnetism, both being part of the phenomenon of electromagnetism...

The Department of Redundancy Department

Adults Science
Who needs redundancy? Well, everyone, it turns out.

What is Sustainability

Adults Science
Learn about the various ways that sustainability is defined.

Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology Preview

Adults Science
We made flashcards to help you review the content in this series! Find them on the free Crash Course App!

Why Does Salt Make Food Taste Better?

Adults Science
Salt doesn’t just make things salty! It has a lot of different effects on how we perceive flavors!

Could a solar storm destroy modern civilization? - Fabio Pacucci

Adults Science
Explore the science of solar storms, and find out why they occur and just how prepared we are for a major event.

How Horses Save Humans From Snake Bites

Adults Science
To make antivenom, you first need to collect venom from the world’s most deadly snakes.

Why Water Dissolves (Almost) Everything

Adults Science
Water can dissolve more substances than anything else on why doesn't it dissolve everything away?

The ingredient in almost everything you eat

Adults Science
Dig into the science of soy, and discover what makes soybeans such versatile plants and whether it’s healthy for you and the planet.

An Egg Is Just One Cell

Adults Science
One of Earth's biggest cells is one you're probably really familiar with.

Scientists Reveal How Time Travel Is Actually Possible

Adults Science
Is it actually possible to travel through time? Scientists say "Yes", but what does that actually mean?

Can you solve the Big Bang riddle? - James Tanton

Adults Science
It’s moments after the Big Bang and you’re still reeling. You’re a particle of matter, amidst a chaotic stew of forces, fusion, and annihilation.

What Happens if the Moon Crashes into Earth?

Adults Science
Today we are answering an age-old very scientific and important question: What if the moon crashes into earth? It’s more interesting and weird than you probably think. Let's start with the basics: Why isn't the Moon on its way to crash into us already?

How DUBAI Actually Controls its Weather

Adults Science
Wouldn't it be amazing to be able to control the weather? You could give yourself beautiful sunny days whenever you wanted or decide you needed some rain to help water crops for farmlands. Well in today's new video you will learn about the insane and fantastic way Dubai has taken control over the city's weather!

The Most Powerful Computers You've Never Heard Of

Adults Science
Analog computers were the most powerful computers for thousands of years, relegated to obscurity by the digital revolution.