
The Figure 8 Knot Has Never Failed. Why?

Adults Construction Education Physics Science
Modern roped rock climbing, one of the nerdiest sports, relies almost entirely on a single type of knot for safety: the figure eight knot.

The Weight of “Nothing” Could Mean Everything (to Physics)

Adults Life Psychology Science
Deep in a Sardinian mine, researchers are constructing an experiment that hopes to solve what's known as The Worst Prediction In The History of Physics, and pin down the true identity of dark energy.

Is Bigger Better?

Adults Animals Life Nature
Elephants might be strong, but they are weak compared to ants because ants have certain advantages that allow them to outlift their larger competitors.

How A Nuclear War Will Start - Minute by Minute

Adults Human Nature Science
This video was made possible through a grant by Open Philanthropy.

Bear Grylls shows Bradley Cooper how to cross a ravine | Running Wild with Bear Grylls

Adults Environment Life Nature
Bear Grylls teaches Bradley Cooper how to cross a ravine. In Running Wild with Bear Grylls, Bear is taking it up a level by teaching his celebrity guests essential survival skills that they'll have to master and then prove they can use in a high stress situation.

Traybaked Pesto Pizza Pie | Jamie Oliver

Adults Family Film Food
I'm so excited to share with you a brilliant recipe from my new cookbook, 5 Ingredients: Mediterranean!

The First-Ever Cargo Ship Powered By Green Fuel | Morten Bo Christiansen | TED

Adults Education Environment
The shipping industry is vital to the global economy, but it's also a huge contributor to the climate crisis.

Titan Implosion Explained with a Soda Can

Adults Education Media Science
On June 18th, 2023, OceanGate’s Titan submersible imploded near the wreck of the Titanic. Why? This simple experiment that you can do at home demonstrates the terrifying power of the ocean that ultimately ended Titan’s expedition.

Why Can't I Grow More Teeth?

Adults Biology Education Human
How come sharks get to have endlessly regrowing teeth when humans only get one set our entire lives? And how come some other mammals get to cheat the system? From elephants to baboons, we'll learn why teeth don't grow back.

How to enter flow state

Adults Human Psychology Science
Explore the defining features of being in a flow state, and get tips on how you can find flow in your daily life.

Why Do People Hate Koalas?

Adults Animals Life Nature
On the Internet, koalas get an unnecessary amount of hate, so let's debunk some of the most pervasive koala myths!

Experiencing the currents of the coral reef

Adults Life Nature
Jeff Jenkins goes drift diving at Palancar Gardens, learning how to go with flow.

The Power of an Image – and the Mind behind It | Misan Harriman | TED

Adults Education History Human
As a neurodivergent child going to school far from home, Misan Harriman found solace in the internet -- "an endless library of the extraordinary," as he calls it.

The Most Misunderstood Concept in Physics

Adults Education Physics Science
A huge thank you to those who helped us understand different aspects of this complicated topic - Dr. Ashmeet Singh, Supriya Krishnamurthy, Dr. Jos Thijssen, Dr. Bijoy Bera, Dr. Timon Idema, Álvaro Bermejillo Seco and Dr. Misha Titov.

Primitive Technology: Undercover Brick Workshop

Adults Education Life Nature
I built a thatched shelter to make bricks in so that they are protected from the rain before they are fired. Despite it being the dry season, it still rains unpredictably in this climate...

Penguin Siblings Race For Food | Growing Up Wild | BBC Earth

Adults Animals Nature World
In the harsh climate of Antarctica, Adelie penguin siblings take the term 'sibling rivalry' to a new level, their survival depends on it. Pitting the pair against each other will show the parents who is the fittest and most likely to make it in the wild.

How This Guy Became The Best Rock Skipper On The Planet | Obsessed | WIRED

Adults Fun Human Media
Kurt Steiner is record holding champion stone skipper—and a master of the physics that underpin the sport. A labor of love that's evolved into a world-class passion, see where Kurt harvests his preferred rocks, the qualities he seeks in them, and each factor he considers in order to throw like a pro.