Welding in Space
AdultsSpaceTechnologyScienceIn space, metals can weld together without heat or melting.
One Year on Earth
AdultsFilmSpaceWorld...On July 20, 2015, NASA released to the world the first image of the sunlit side of Earth captured by the space agency's EPIC camera on NOAA's DSCOVR satellite. The camera has now recorded a full year of life on Earth from its orbit at Lagrange point 1, approximately 1 million miles from Earth, where it is balanced between the gravity of our home planet and the sun.
What Is Something?
AdultsPhysicsSpacePhilosophy...What is something? On the most fundamental level thinkable, what are things? Why are things? And why do things behave the way they do?
James Webb Space Telescope
AdultsSpaceTechnologyScienceKnown as Hubble's successor, it uses 18 mirror segments to collect light from galaxies billions of light years away.
First Stage Landing on Droneship
AdultsTechnologySpaceEngineeringThat some incredible precision right there!
Alaska Airlines Solar Eclipse Flight
AdultsNatureSpaceTransportation...You can't help but get excited when you fly with us and see a solar eclipse. We adjusted Flight #870 from Anchorage to Honolulu on March 8, 2016 just so our passengers could catch the solar eclipse from 35,000 feet.
The Falcon has landed | Recap of Falcon 9 launch and landing
AdultsSpaceTechnologyEngineeringOn December 21, 2015, SpaceX's Falcon 9 delivered 11 satellites to low-Earth orbit and landed the first stage of the rocket back on land.
Historic Rocket Landing
AdultsSpaceTechnologyScienceBlue Origin's New Shepard space vehicle successfully flew to space, reaching its planned test altitude of 329,839 feet (100.5 kilometers) before executing a historic landing back at the launch site in West Texas.
NASA | Thermonuclear Art
AdultsSpaceArtPhotography...It's always shining, always ablaze with light and energy. In the ubiquity of solar output, Earth swims in an endless tide of particles. Every time half of the Earth faces the Sun, we experience the brightness of daytime, the Sun's energy and light driving weather, biology and more.
RED 4K Video of Colorful Liquid in Space
AdultsScienceSpaceTechnologyAstronauts on the International Space Station dissolved an effervescent tablet in a floating ball of water, and captured images using a camera capable of recording four times the resolution of normal high-definition cameras. The higher resolution images and higher frame rate videos can reveal more information when used on science investigations, giving researchers a valuable new tool aboard the space station.
[HD] Loki Lego Launcher - High altitude balloon
AdultsPhysicsSpaceDIYOur family had a great time with this Loki Lego Launcher project. Not only did our kids get a big sense of accomplishment by successfully sending a balloon to near space, but it was a ton of fun and we got some fantastic footage too.