
MinuteEarth: The Story of Our Planet

Adults History
Agriculture, hula hoops, SARS, and THIS video: how long did they take to get around the earth?

EVOLUTION - Why Are There Still Monkeys?

Adults History
Greg Foot tries to dive into the topic of Evolution; looking at why monkeys exist, who our common ancestor is, and how we branched away to become a new species.

A brief history of melancholy

Adults History
If you are a living, breathing human being, chances are you have felt sad at least a few times in your life. But what exactly is melancholy, and what (if anything) should we do about it? Courtney Stephens details our still-evolving understanding of sadness -- and even makes a case for its usefulness.

My Mom's Motorcycle: My Rode Reel

Adults History
This is a short film about how my mom became the owner of a motorcycle for the My Rode Reel competition. More deeply it is about how people use objects to connect with times, ideas, and people.

300 Years of Fossil Fuels in 300 Seconds

Adults History
Fossil fuels have powered human growth and ingenuity for centuries. Now that we're reaching the end of cheap and abundant oil and coal supplies, we're in for an exciting ride. While there's a real risk that we'll fall off a cliff, there's still time to control our transition to a post-carbon future.

Sir Nicholas Winton

Adults History
Sir Nicholas Winton who organized the rescue and passage to Britain of about 669 mostly Jewish Czechoslovakian children destined for the Nazi death camps before World War II in an operation known as the Czech Kindertransport.

There is a city

Adults History
Once a year on august 1st, the people of Warsaw pay hommage to the fallen heroes that fought for freedom in 1944 during the Warsaw Uprising. The biggest rebellion against German Nazi occupation during WWII cost over 200 000 lives and destruction of the capital.