
How big is the ocean?

Adults Nature
While the Earth's oceans are known as five separate entities, there is really only one ocean. So, how big is it? As of 2013, it takes up 71% of the Earth, houses 99% of the biosphere, and contains some of Earth's grandest geological features. Scott Gass reminds us of the influence humans have on the ocean and the influence it has on us.

Walking on beautiful clean ice in Slovakian Mountains

Adults Nature
Me and my friend walking on frozen mountain lake in High Tatras Mountains in Slovakia.

What's The Deadliest Animal In The World?

Adults Nature
The Deadliest Animal In The World.

Frans Lanting: Photos that give voice to the animal kingdom

Adults Nature
Nature photographer Frans Lanting uses vibrant images to take us deep into the animal world. In this short, visual talk he calls for us to reconnect with other earthly creatures, and to shed the metaphorical skins that separate us from each other.

Scary black seadevil fish caught on video at depth of 1,900 feet

Adults Nature
Deep-sea anglerfish are strange and elusive creatures that are very rarely observed in their natural habitat. Fewer than half a dozen have ever been captured on film or video by deep diving research vehicles. This little angler, about 9 cm long, is named Melanocetus. It is also known as the Black Seadevil and it lives in the deep dark waters of the Monterey Canyon.

Why Do Rivers Curve?

Adults Nature
MinuteEarth provides an energetic and entertaining view of trends in earth's environment -- in just a few minutes!

The Secret Social Life of Plants

Adults Nature
MinuteEarth provides an energetic and entertaining view of trends in earth's environment -- in just a few minutes!

Life by the Numbers

Adults Nature
There are now more than 7 billion human beings on Earth, and that got me wondering: How successful are we compared to other species? I take a look at out how our numbers stack up to some other domains of life. It turns out that biomass, or what things weigh, can be more important than how many of something there are. Find out how our numbers stack up against everything from bugs to bacteria, and get ready for some mind-blowing numbers!

Exploring British Columbia Of Canada With Devin Supertramp

Adults Nature
The video shows you the beautiful Great Bear Rainforest that is located on the central coast of British Columbia.

Norwegian Landscape

Adults Nature
This Norwegian Time-Lapse Showcases The Country's Landscape And It's Gorgeous

Riding A Bike Down The Face Of A Mountain

Adults Nature
This footage of Brett Rheeder's qualifier run at Red Bull Rampage 2014 is breathtaking.

This Stunning Time-Lapse Video Gives You Rare Views Of Yosemite National Park

Adults Nature
This project was filmed over the course of 10 months and it's definitely worth it.

Man Dives into an Exploding Volcano

Adults Nature
Just when you thought your weekend plans were really exciting, a few guys had to go and jump into an active volcano. Pictures

High-Speed Canyon Jet Ski - Lake Powell GoPro

Adults Nature
Enjoy this beautiful GoPro footage filmed by Christian Yellott while riding his jet ski through the Mountain Sheep Canyon on Lake Powell in Utah.

This Man Takes A Tree Trunk And Turns It Into Something Really Awesome

Adults Nature
This man re-uses wood that has been cut down and turns it into a beautiful lampshade.

GoPro: Diver Saves Sea Turtle

Adults Nature
Divers off the coast of Mexico save a sea turtle that became tangled in rope.

Watch The World's Most Polite Birds Wait In Line To Greet A Potential Mate

Adults Nature
Instead of fighting it out with one another for a mate's affection, Blue manakins give each other a fair shot and let the lady decided. When a female manakin is feeling amorous, males will form an orderly little line in front of her, taking turns to introduce themselves and to put their colorful foliage on display.