
Bottlenose Dolphins - Amazing Animals

Kids Animals
Dolphins are born tail-first!

Sloth Bear - Amazing Animals

Kids Animals
Sloth bears are the only bears that carry their young on their backs!

Tiger - Amazing Animals

Kids Animals
Tigers, the world's largest cat species, can weigh up to 670 pounds!

Beetle - Amazing Animals

Kids Animals
Beetles are the largest group of animals on Earth!

Wildebeest - Amazing Animals

Kids Animals
About a million wildebeest migrate across the grasslands of Kenya and Tanzania every year!

Peekaboo, I Love You

Kids Animals
Enjoy this cute kids song about friendship with our popular peekaboo cat and friend!

Scorpion - Amazing Animals

Kids Animals
Scorpions are arachnids and have eight legsā€”just like spiders!

Blue Whale - Amazing Animals

Kids Animals
A blue whale's heart is the size of a small car!

Monarch Butterfly - Amazing Animals

Kids Animals
Migrating monarch butterflies can travel thousands of miles!

Red-Eyed Tree Frog

Kids Animals
Red-eyed tree frogs have three eyelids on each eye!

Grow Your Own Plants

Kids Animals
Plants are all around you! You walk on them, eat them, and even climb them! And guess what? You can even grow your very own!

Gentoo Penguin - Amazing Animals

Kids Animals
Gentoo penguins like to hunt for fish, krill, and squid!

African Lion - Amazing Animals

Kids Animals
Lions are the only big cats that live in groups called prides, which consist of mostly related females, their cubs, plus one or two adult males.

Christmas Crab - Amazing Animals

Kids Animals
Over 50 million Christmas crabs migrate across Christmas Island every year!

Hippo - Amazing Animals

Kids Animals
Hippos spend most of their time in the water!

Polar Bear - Amazing Animals

Kids Animals
Polar bears can swim 100 miles at a stretch!

Army Ant - Amazing Animals

Kids Animals
Army ants talk to each other by leaving chemical trails!