
8 Ways to Get Reluctant Readers to Read

Teachers Reading
Reading is known to have obvious benefits, such as improving vocabulary and increasing the breadth of knowledge that one has. But recent studies have shown other benefits of reading.

Once Upon a Device- Reading Activities

Teachers Reading
Often, teachers have to use material that is older than the students, written in archaic language, and that take place in countries and imaginary worlds our learners have no experience with. Activities should help learners visualize and experience these worlds and have a better understanding of the mindset of the characters. Many apps inspire creativity and provide multimedia rich experiences and story creation.

Mr. Glue Stories- An Interactive and Recordable Story App

Teachers Reading
Mr. Glue Stories is an entertaining new story app that allows you to create one-of-a-kind adventures, which can be personalized to include names, artwork and voice. When it is finished, the masterpiece can be saved and then shared with teachers, family and friends.

What Does the Next- Generation School Library Look Like?

Teachers Reading
What do libraries need to be doing to bring people back through their doors? With so many alternative ways to find information, libraries are now adapting and adding non-traditional elements to expand their offerings.

6 Fetching News Article Resources for ESL Students Online

Teachers Reading
Are your students are taking interest in those popular stories popping up on their social media feeds? If so, give them the knowledge the yearn for with this collection of student focused news resources.

National Geographic "Listen & Read" Resources

Teachers Reading
National Geographic has several simple non-fiction "Listen & Read" stories, great for language learners to use in class or at home.

13 Strategies to Improve Student Classroom Discussions

Teachers Reading
As teachers know well, finding and using textual evidence is challenging for students- choosing a solid piece of evidence or creating a clear interpretation can be overwhelming. These 13 teacher and expert-tested strategies will strengthen your students' ability to find and use evidence from any text.

Digital Literature Circles

Teachers Reading
Digital Literature Circles Help Readers Create, Compose and Connect: highlights how to integrate technology into lessons to enhance discussion and reading not only in the class but beyond the school day as well.

Online Resources For Students Not Literate In Their Home Language

Teachers Reading
Students not literate in their home language can have challenges, including the fact that most online resources require some degree of literacy. Here are a few online resources that can be helpful.

Using Emojis to Teach Critical Reading Skills

Teachers Reading
Internet- inspired trends may not seem important, but the way students seamlessly navigate emoji usage is similar to critical reading skills practiced in class. Emojis offer an engaging opportunity to transfer digital skills to a written context.

Academic Reading 2 of 2 - English for Academic Purposes with Josh #50

Adults Reading
English classes streamed live on YouTube by Canadian and American teachers. During the class you can chat directly with the teacher and other students.

The princess who rewrote history

Adults Reading
Anna Komnene, daughter of Byzantine emperor Alexios, spent the last decade of her life creating a 500-page history of her father’s reign called “The Alexiad.”

Astronauts Read Popular Kids Books From Space

Teachers Reading
Take story time up a notch with your students and kids with this great experience of astronauts reading popular kids books from space.

Reading Comprehension Strategies For ELL

Teachers Reading
Comprehension is the goal of, but it can be the most difficult reading skill to master, especially for ELL's. Here are some tips to make sure your strategies areas effective as possible for the learners.