
Why do people get so anxious about math? - Orly Rubinsten

Adults Math Psychology
Have you ever sat down to take a math test and immediately felt your heart beat faster and your palms start to sweat? This is called math anxiety, and if it happens to you, you're not alone: Researchers think about 20 percent of the population suffers from it. So what's going on? And can it be fixed? Orly Rubinsten explores the current research and suggests ways to increase math performance.

Teen Speaks Over 20 Languages

Adults Education Language
Prodigy hyper-polyglot Tim Doner has been teaching himself languages since he was 13. He now speaks nearly 20 languages! Join Tim on a cultural tour of New York unlike any you've ever heard!

A Huge Advancement in Mind-Controlled Tech

Adults Disability Software Engineering Technology
This tech helps paralyzed people type with their minds, but the sky's the limit.

We Found New Planets. No, You Can't Live There

Adults Life Space
Everyone is freaking out about the discovery of 7 new potentially-habitable exoplanets, but is Trappist-1 really as good as it sounds?


Adults Art Creativity Culture
In several countries, some famous scenes from different animated films look quite different from the way they look in other countries. You might not know this, but people working in animated films love their work and their audience, and sometimes change their films to include some important aspects for this or that culture. So, here are 5 animated films that look different in other countries.

Indigenous Panamanians protect their forests with drones

Adults Ecology Nature Technology
Settlers are illegally clearing trees on their land. So indigenous people are employing modern technology to stop them.

Why wild African elephants get by with hardly any sleep

Adults Animals Nature
Scientists tracked elephants with devices like Fitbits, and discovered African elephants in the wild sleep far less than anyone expected. It proves there's a huge gap in what we know about how and why animals sleep.

Take Augmented Reality Onto the Squash Court

Adults Sports Technology
Improve your squash game in a surprising way.

The economics of beard popularity in the US

Adults Economy Philosophy Society
We may have reached "peak beard."

This Giant Neuron Could Explain Where Consciousness Comes From

Adults Biology Neuroscience Self
After uncovering three giant neurons, scientists could be one step closer to pinpointing where consciousness lives in the brain.

Earth's Flag Is a Reminder That We're in This Together

Adults Society World
Earth has a flag... and its story will move you.

How one woman used fashion to reclaim her Muslim American identity

Adults Culture Religion
From skater girl to Muslim hipster this is Layla Shaikley's American story.

What Ever Happened To Saving The Rainforest?

Adults Environment Global Warming Nature
The efforts to save the Amazon rainforest actually did save it. However, new threats have arisen to combat conservation efforts.

How a dictionary writer defines English

Adults Education Language
Kory Stamper works for Merriam-Webster. So how does a dictionary writer define the language? Vox's Phil Edwards found out in this episode of Vox Almanac.

We Could Back Up The Entire Internet On A Gram Of DNA

Adults Genetics Internet Culture Technology
Nature's code for life is stored in DNA, but what if we could code anything we wanted into DNA? Scientists are figuring out how.

Saito: The Sushi God of Tokyo

Adults Creativity Food
Sushi Saito is a 3 Michelin Star sushi restaurant, and many regard it as the best in Japan. We got to spend the day with Saito, to ask him about his work, and to eat his soul shattering sushi.

Ocean Volcanoes May Hold Clues To Alien Life

Adults Biology Nature Space
Scientists think studying 'extremophiles' in toxic hydrothermal vents could teach us about potential extraterrestrial life.