Vocabulary List

  Word Part of Speech Example
adopt Verb We adopted our cat from a shelter.
agree Verb I don't agree with you. I think you're wrong.
army Noun My brother wants to join the army to protect our country.
available Adjective There aren't any tables available at the restaurant.
bite Verb Be careful. The dog might bite.
boat Noun My uncle took me fishing in his boat.
breathe Verb Fish can breathe under water.
[an animal]
Verb We went fishing, but we didn't catch any fish.
[US: colorful]
Adjective The bird has very colourful feathers.
contest Noun I have never won a contest because I have bad luck.
control Noun, Verb We can't control our dog. He does what he wants.
danger Noun You are safe here. There is no danger.
deer Noun The men are hunting for deer in the forest.
depend on Phrasal Verb I don't know what I will do tomorrow. It depends on the weather.
dirt Noun Please take off your shoes. I don't want any dirt in my house.
endangered Adjective Koala bears are endangered now. We must protect them.
enough Determiner I don't have enough room. Can you give me more space please?
farmer Noun Many farmers use animals to protect the food they grow.
feather Noun The feathers of that bird are beautiful.
female Noun, Adjective The dog is not male. She's female.
fire department Noun Do you smell smoke? Let's call the fire department!
fur Noun She is wearing a fur jacket.
goat Noun Many goats live in the mountains.
grow Verb We grow vegetables on our farm.
healthy Adjective That food isn't very healthy. You should stop eating it all the time.
hit Verb Don't hit your computer if it's slow. It won't go faster.
intelligent Adjective Dogs are usually pretty intelligent animals.
jungle Noun There are many dangerous animals in the jungle.
land Noun This snake lives in the water and on land.
leather Noun Leather is made from cows.
male Noun, Adjective Male lions have long hair.
meat Noun Have you ever eaten the meat of a goat? It's not very good.
mountain Noun Let's climb a mountain this weekend!
plant Noun Many kinds of medicine come from plants.
protect Verb You should protect your bag. Someone might take it.
raise Verb They raise cows and sheep on the farm.
rare Adjective It's pretty rare to see a snow leopard these days.
safe Adjective The chickens are not safe on the farm because there are many wolves around here.
seaweed Noun Sushi usually has rice, fish, and seaweed. Do you like it?
shelter Noun Cats and dogs stay at the animal shelter until they are adopted.
skill Noun The dog has many skills. For example, he helps control the sheep on the farm.
sky Noun How many birds can you count in the sky?
Noun Elephants need a lot of space to live.
species Noun There are many species of animals and plants in the jungle.
suggest Verb What do you suggest we do about the problem?
supply Noun, Verb We have a big supply of rice in the kitchen cupboard.
tail Noun Dogs usually move their tails when they're happy.
whistle Noun, Verb I can't whistle very well. Can you?
wild Adjective You shouldn't go close to wild animals. They might bite you.
win Verb I think the team will win the game.
wolf Noun Wolves are very dangerous animals. Do not go close to them.