Playing In The Snow

I will read

  • snow
  • gloves
  • animals
  • letter
  • study
  • learn
  • world
  • add
  • head
  • hands
  • boots
  • feet
  • sled
  • hill
  • inside

What can you see?

I look outside.

It's snowy today.

Let's play in the snow.

I want to play in the snow.

I get ready.

I find my hat.

I put it on my head.

I find my gloves.

I put them on my hands.

I find my boots.

I put them on my feet.

I find my sled.

I slide down the hill.


I look outside.

It's snowy today.

I don't like snowy days.

I stay inside.

I study.

I learn about animals.

I write a letter.

I write to my friend.

I add a picture.

I look out the window.

I see more snow.

It's cold, cold, cold.


I look outside.

It's snowy today.

I love snow!

I want to make a snowman.

I get ready.

I put on my warm clothes.

I go outside.

I make a snowman.

It's the best snowman in the world!

