This is to give you practice using conjunctions - linking words - during the interview stage (Part 1) of the Speaking Test.

Linking your ideas

Read this candidate’s ideas and try to see how they are linked together to form a cohesive (clear and logical) answer to the examiner’s question. With your partner, practice reading out the answer so that it sounds natural.


Do you have any brothers or sisters?

Information to be included in answer:

  • I have one sister.
  • My sister is studying business management.
  • My sister is younger than me.
  • My sister is at college.


I have a younger sister who is studying business management at college.

  • a younger sister is a noun phrase which packages up information about the sister
  • who introduces a relative clause which modifies the noun phrase: it refers back to the sister, and announces that more information about the sister is coming.
  • at college is a prepositional phrase which gives more information about the location of the sister’s studies.

