Occupations | Pekerjaan |
teacher | guru |
doctor | dokter |
cashier | kasir |
nurse | perawat |
server | pelayan |
actor / actress | artis |
firefighter | pemadam kebakaran |
musician | musisi |
police officer | polisi |
plumber | tukang pipa |
soldier | tentara |
businessman | pengusaha |
chef | tukang masak |
dentist | dokter gigi |
housewife | ibu rumah tangga |
singer | penyanyi |
priest | pendeta |
Workplaces | Tempat kerja |
church | gereja |
grocery store | toko grosir |
airport | bandara |
bank | bank |
clothing store | toko pakaian |
school | sekolah |
police station | kantor polisi |
restaurant | restoran |
firestation | kantor pemadam kebakaran |
hospital | rumah sakit |
office | kantor |
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