A paragraph is a group of sentences, usually at least five, that are all connected by the same idea.  The sentences in a paragraph can be categorized into three types:

  1. Topic sentences
  2. Supporting sentences
  3. Conclusion sentences

Topic sentences introduce the main idea of the paragraph.  Below are some of the features of a good topic sentence:  

  • it should introduce the topic of the paragraph.
    • this should be declarative, not self-referential;
    • e.g. instead of writing, "the topic of this paragraph is..." the writer should simply state the the topic.
  • it should narrow the topic to make an interesting or arguable point.
    • e.g. wide/unarguable: Marketing is one of the disciplines of business administration.
    • e.g. narrowed/arguable: Marketing is the most creative discipline in business administration. 
  • it should appear at or near the beginning of the paragraph and guide the remaining sentences in the paragraph.  
    • There is debate about whether or not the topic sentence must be the first sentence, since occasionally it is appropriate to connect the paragraph to a previous paragraph with an introduction sentence. However, there is consensus that if it's not the first sentence, then writers should include the topic sentence as soon as possible after the paragraph begins. 

Supporting sentences provide evidence for the interesting or argueable point made in the topic sentence. They may be:

  • examples or cases that show how the topic sentence is true. 
    • e.g. "Many companies refer to their marketing staff as 'the Creative Department'".
  • data or other forms of research that supports the topic sentence.
    • e.g. "65% of marketing professionals hold some kind of advanced degree in fine arts."
  • theoretical arguments for the truth of the topic sentence.
    • e.g. "Various contemporary art movements, such as pop art, draw heavily on advertising as inspiration." 

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