
Magnificent Giant Tree: Sequoia in a Snowstorm

The worlds second-largest know tree, the president, in sequoia National Park is photographed by national geographic magazine photographer Michael "nick" Nichols.

Louie Schwartzberg: Hidden miracles of the natural world

AdultsData ScienceWorldNature...
We live in a world of unseeable beauty, so subtle and delicate that it is imperceptible to the human eye. To bring this invisible world to light, filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg bends the boundaries of time and space with high-speed cameras, time lapses and microscopes. At TED2014, he shares highlights from his latest project, a 3D film titled "Mysteries of the Unseen World," which slows down, speeds up, and magnifies the astonishing wonders of nature.

Drones Over Dolphin Stampede and Whales off Dana Point and Maui

Captain Dave Anderson of Capt. Dave's Dolphin and Whale Safari in Dana Point, California, at great personal risk, has recently filmed and edited a 5-minute video that contains some of the most beautiful, jaw-dropping, footage ever taken with a drone from the air of a huge mega-pod of thousands of common dolphins stampeding off Dana Point, California, three gray whales migrating together down the coast off San Clemente, California, and heartwarming close-ups hovering over a newborn Humpback whale calf snuggling and playing with its mom as an escort whale stands guard nearby, filmed recently in Maui.

Camera falls from airplane and lands in pig pen

Camera falls from a sky diving airplane and lands on my property in my pig pen. I found the camera 8 months later and viewed this video.

Bird steals egg camera & films penguin colony from the air

A striated caracara, intrigued by our spy egg-cam, decides to fly off with our camera but in the process captures the first ever aerial footage of a rockhopper penguin colony shot by a flying bird.

Midday Traffic Time Collapsed and Reorganized by Color

The source footage for this video is a 4-minute shot from the Washington Street bridge. The aim is to reveal the color palette and color preferences of contemporary San Diego drivers in addition to traffic patterns and volumes. There are no CG elements, these are all real cars that have been removed from one sample and reorganized.

Gretna Green Starling Murmurations

Shot with Canon C100, Canon 70-200 F2.8, Canon 1.4 TC.

It's all about the Jaw!

AdultsArtPhotographyVisual Design
Want to look more photogenic or photograph people looking more photogenic? Peter Hurley explains how he accentuates the jawline of his clients with a few simple tips that you'll want to add to your repertoire for quick use whenever you have a human being in front of your camera.

Car-L meets the lions

"Car L" meets the lions. The remote controlled 4x4 camera buggy gets up close and personal as it is stalked by this curious pride of lions in Botswana.

European Landmarks At Night

Nightvision is a celebration of the brilliance and diversity of architecture found across Europe. Over the course of three months I journeyed with a friend through 36 cities in 21 countries with the ambition of capturing some of the greatest European structures in a new and unique way. Comprised of thousands of carefully taken photographs, strung together and stabilized in post-production, Nightvision aims to inspire appreciation for these man-made landmarks.

Nature's 3D Printer: MIND BLOWING Cocoon in Rainforest

What is your theory about why there are holes in the cocoon?

Face-Off With a Deadly Predator

Paul Nicklen describes his most amazing experience as a National Geographic photographer - coming face-to-face with one of Antarctica's most vicious predators.

Joe McNally Photography- Climbing the Burj Khalifa (The World's Tallest Building)

What it looks like from the very top of the tallest man made structure in the world.

GoPro HERO3: Black Edition - Smaller, Lighter and 2X More Powerful

The Wi-Fi enabled HERO3: Black Edition is the most advanced GoPro, ever. No expense was spared during its development, resulting in a GoPro that is 30% smaller, 25% lighter & 2X more powerful than previous models. New resolutions and frame-rates include 4Kp 15, 2.7kp 30, 1080p 60, 1440p 48, 960p 100, 720p 120 and 12MP burst photo capture at 30 fps. Yes, for real.

Watch the World's Highest Resolution Drone-Mounted Camera in Action

Sure, your phone can take a decent picture, but it's not even in the same universe as the best camera the government's got. At 1.8 pixels, the DARPA-developed ARGUS-IS the highest resolution surveillance platform in the world, and, when mounted to a drone, can single-handedly do the work of an army of 100 predator drones watching the area of one medium-sized city.

Amazing Avian Evolution

All 39 species of New Guinea's spectacular birds of paradise have now been captured on film by renowned photographer Tim Laman and ornithologist Ed Scholes.

Highest Resolution Machu Picchu Picture Ever Taken

Have you ever made a panorama? Cool! But, have you ever made a panorama consisting of 1920 photos??? No! Check out this little behind the scenes video for such a panorama in one of the most iconic places on earth - Machu Picchu in Peru. As you will see, you're not going to take this one hand-held, and there is a bit of paper work to be done you go there. Travel through the final photo here

Noah takes a photo of himself every day for 12.5 years

New York photographer Noah Kalina became a viral sensation in 2006 with a video called "Noah Takes a Photo of Himself Every Day for 6 Years." Prepare to be mesmerized by his long-awaited update.

Camera shutter speed synchronized with helicopter blade frequency

This is what happens when you sync your camera shutter to the speed of helicopter blades.

TED Ramesh Raskar: A camera that takes one trillion frames per second

TED Talks Ramesh Raskar presents femto-photography, a new type of imaging so fast it shows the world one trillion frames per second, so detailed it shows light itself in motion.

Incredible Video from the International Space Station at Night

Every frame in this video is a photograph taken from the International Space Station. All credit goes to the crews on board the ISS.