How some friendships last — and others don’t - Iseult Gillespie
AdultsFriendshipPsychologyRelationshipsExplore how to build healthy habits when it comes to making, growing, and maintaining friendships.
Networking Doesn’t Have to Feel Gross | Daniel Hallak | TED
AdultsBusinessHumanPsychology...Networking doesn’t always have to feel like a self-serving transaction, says executive coach Daniel Hallak.
The Unique Bond Between Humans and Dogs | Wonderful World of Puppies | BBC Earth
AdultsAnimalsHumanRelationships...Newborn puppies express their emotions through various tummy grunts and whines, creating a unique bond with their owner.
Online Friends vs IRL Friends - Which is Better?
AdultsHumanPsychologyTechnology...More people are making friends online than ever before due to Covid-19. Are virtual friends better or worse than IRL friends?
Among Us Science - When Does Lying Go Too Far? ft. TheAmaazing
AdultsGamingPsychologyScience...Gaslighting in Among Us? Probably okay. Gaslighting in a real relationship. Not so much!
What Is Social Anxiety Disorder?
AdultsHumanPsychologyRelationships...Social Anxiety Disorder is real. What happens when you have it?
What Being Bullied Actually Does To You
AdultsHumanPsychologySelf...Triangle Bob used to be my bully, but more recently I've been bullying him. What happens to people when they get bullied?
How to spot a liar | Pamela Meyer
AdultsRelationshipsSocietyOn any given day we're lied to from 10 to 200 times, and the clues to detect those lie can be subtle and counter-intuitive.
Pink Shirt Day takes a stand against bullying
AdultsCultureRelationshipsSociety...Today thousands of people across Canada will be wearing bright pink shirts. Pink Shirt Day, initiated by Vancouver-based radio station CKNW, is a day where participants across the country wear pink to raise awareness about bullying.
Why We Pick Difficult Partners
AdultsPsychologyRelationshipsSocietyIn theory, we're nowadays allowed to get together with pretty much anyone we like. And yet, at a psychological level, we aren't free to love just any suitable person. We have a type - and strangely and awkwardly, these types are often not those who stand a chance of making us maximally happy.
I Got Popular...And It Changed Me
AdultsSelfSocietyMental Health...Isaiah had never been cool or popular. He was known as strange, the weird kid - the weirdo - and he stuck to himself. The mean girls and popular kids didn't help his shyness, really hurt his self-esteem, and so, after middle school, he was determined to make high school different.
Why We Feel Lonely and Odd
AdultsHumanPsychologyMental Health...We feel lonely and odd because we mistakenly assume that the kind of thoughts and fears we have will have no echo in other people. They do; it's just we haven't found a way to speak to one another honestly about who we are.
I Confessed to My Crush - Love Story or Epic Fail?
AdultsArtRelationshipsLoveZarina and her best friend Alicia were just hanging out on a Summer day, just before school started. Typical teenage girls, they were busy on snapchat. Zarina was particularly interested in this one boy - a hockey player - and she had a huge crush on him. Of all the boys in her school, he was her favorite, her school crush.
The Importance of Vulnerability
AdultsPsychologyRelationshipsSelf...We often imagine that what will win us friends and esteem is strength. But surprisingly, it's vulnerability that's at the core of friendship and likeability. This is an invitation to make friends with one's own weaknesses.
I Talked Behind My Best Friend's Back
AdultsRelationshipsSocietyFriendshipWhen Shannon first got to her new school in third grade, she was on her own, lonely, and the other kids seemed to think she was weird - until, finally, she met a great group of girls - five of them - and they all became the best of friends.
Overcoming Hate - YouTuber KARIM's Story
AdultsPsychologyRelationshipsCulture...YouTuber Karim (AreWeFamousNow, KUKU) is an amazing and powerful voice for peace and understanding, calling social injustices out and fighting for tolerance - making a real difference.
Intimidated by a College Bully
AdultsRelationshipsSocietyEducationWhen you leave middle school and high school behind, you expect that bullying, fear and intimidation are in the past. When you get to college, you expect that people will be open-minded, compassionate and mature. Unfortunately this in not always the case. It certainly wasn't for Omar.
Why 'love' is a useless word - and three alternatives
AdultsLanguageRelationshipsMany of our relationship problems stem from the emptiness of our vocabulary around our affectionate emotion. We have only the minimal word 'love'. Luckily, the Ancient Greeks had a more nuanced and complicated vocabulary that we can usefully borrow from.
How to Remain Calm With People
AdultsPsychologyRelationshipsMental Health..."One of the most fundamental paths to calm is the power to hold on, even in very challenging situations, to a distinction between what someone does - and what they meant to do....."
What is Emotional Intelligence?
AdultsHumanPsychologyRelationships...Many of humanity's greatest problems stem not from a shortfall of technical or financial intelligence, but what we term emotional intelligence. It is through the acquisition of Emotional Intelligence that we stand to become better lovers, workers, friends and citizens. We are rarely systematically taught Emotional Intelligence and pay a heavy price for this gap in learning. The School of Life is dedicated to fostering Emotional Intelligence.