How to Think Computationally About AI
AdultsEducationTechnologyWorld...Drawing on his decades-long mission to formulate the world in computational terms, Stephen Wolfram delivers a profound vision of computation and its role in the future of AI.
Penguin Siblings Race For Food | Growing Up Wild | BBC Earth
AdultsAnimalsNatureWorld...In the harsh climate of Antarctica, Adelie penguin siblings take the term 'sibling rivalry' to a new level, their survival depends on it. Pitting the pair against each other will show the parents who is the fittest and most likely to make it in the wild.
Can We Capture Greenhouse Gases?
AdultsEnvironmentNatureWorld...It’s one thing to say a business is carbon neutral. It’s another to be able to truly account for that carbon at all stages of the production process.
The continents are moving. When will they collide?
AdultsEnvironmentLifeWorld...Dig into the science of plate tectonics to find out when the next supercontinent will emerge— and how it could affect Earth’s environment.
Machu Picchu 101 | National Geographic
AdultsNatureTravelWorld...Machu Picchu is a testament to the power and ingenuity of the Inca empire. Built without the use of mortar, metal tools, or the wheel, Machu Picchu stands as an archaeological wonder of the ancient world. But why was it built—and deserted?
What Happens if a Supervolcano Blows Up?
AdultsLifeNatureWorld...The Earth is a gigantic ball of semi-molten rock, with a heart of iron as hot as the surface of the Sun. Titanic amounts of heat left over from its birth and the radioactive decay of trillions of tons of radioactive elements find no escape but up.