The 3 Reasons This Tree Has Lived 5000 Years
AdultsHistoryLifeNatureScienceEnvironment... Methuselah’s environment lacks nutrients, water, and oxygen. In other words, it’s the perfect place to grow very very old.
When are you actually an adult? - Shannon Odell
AdultsHistoryHumanLifePsychology... Explore how scientists define adulthood, and find out if there’s a specific age at which we reach maturity.
Ancient Footprints
YouthHistoryWorldScience Scattered seeds help reveal when ancient humans first left footprints in North America.
Saving Wild Salmon Populations
AdultsAnimalsHistoryHumanEnvironmentWildlifeFilm... In her film 'Salmon Reflection' Norwegian and Unangax̂ filmmaker Anna Hoover explores the effects of a changing world on the communities of Bristol Bay, one of the last surviving wild salmon ecosystems.
Being Black in 'Mister Rogers’ Neighbourhood'
YouthEqualityHistoryHumanTVCulture... Francois Clemmons became one of the first black actors to have a recurring role in a children’s TV program.
Royal Snack Attack: Weird But True!
KidsHistoryHumorCulture In ancient Egypt, a worker steals a quick lunch break to enjoy a "Weird But True!" forbidden treat.
When Was The Worst Time In History To Die?
AdultsHealthHistoryHumanScience... By combining historical demography and epidemiology, we can (sort of) determine how people throughout history have died.
Explore the three main ways viruses can be driven to extinction, and dig into the possibility of COVID-19 dying out.
AdultsHealthHistoryHumanScience... Viruses are wildly successful organisms. There are about 100 million times as many virus particles on Earth as there are stars in the observable universe.
I tested the US Military’s secret space weapon
AdultsConstructionHistoryScienceSpaceTechnology... An engineer came up with a plan to drop tungsten telephone poles from space - the idea has been seriously considered on multiple occasions, so we tested it.
Anthropology’s Greatest Hoax
AdultsHistoryHumanScienceCulture... Scientists are sometimes deemed objective observers of the world in which we live, but that’s not entirely true. They’re still human and can find themselves victim to fraudsters just like the lot of us.
Rescuing Indigenous Knowledge In The Andes To Restore Ecosystems
YouthEnvironmentGlobal WarmingHistorySocial Media... Constantino Aucca Chutas has pioneered a community reforestation model driven by local and Indigenous communities, which has led to three million trees being planted in Peru.
Discovering Monet
YouthArtHistory This video takes an in-depth look at Monet's approach to painting in series, an approach that consumed his later years.
AdultsHistoryNatureTravelAdventure... Treasure hunting has captured our imaginations for centuries. Draining the oceans reveals the richest wrecks ever found.
The history of chocolate - Deanna Pucciarelli
AdultsEducationFoodHumanHistory... If you can’t imagine life without chocolate, you’re lucky you weren’t born before the 16th century. Until then, chocolate only existed as a bitter, foamy drink in Mesoamerica.
Machu Picchu 101 | National Geographic
AdultsNatureTravelWorldHistoryCulture... Machu Picchu is a testament to the power and ingenuity of the Inca empire. Built without the use of mortar, metal tools, or the wheel, Machu Picchu stands as an archaeological wonder of the ancient world. But why was it built—and deserted?
What makes a poem … a poem? - Melissa Kovacs
AdultsHistoryHumanSelfWritingArt... What exactly makes a poem … a poem? Poets themselves have struggled with this question, often using metaphors to approximate a definition. Is a poem a little machine? A firework? An echo? A dream? Melissa Kovacs shares three recognizable characteristics of most poetry.
Valkyries: The Real Story Behind These Warriors of Legend | Fate & Fabled
AdultsHistoryWritingCulture Vikings were some of the fiercest fighters in human history, using their impressive battle prowess to spread Norse influence between the 8th and 11th centuries.