
Question Mark Song

A song about using a question mark.

The Benefits Of A Bilingual Brain

Mia Nacamulli details the three types of bilingual brains and shows how knowing more than one language keeps your brain healthy, complex and actively engaged.

The Word Indigenous - Explained

Indigenous people are the first people to live in a place.

Conjunction Song

A song about conjunctions.

Preposition Song

A song about prepositions.

Pronoun Song

A song about pronouns.

Adverb Song

A song about adverbs.

Auxiliary Verbs (Part 2)

AdultsGrammarSmrt LiveEducation...
Mark explains in detail when we need to use "do" as an auxiliary verb. This video is for students at an upper-intermediate level.

The Saudi Culture

Culture Day At Canadian College of English Language

Auxiliary Verbs (Part 1)

AdultsGrammarSmrt LiveEducation...
Mark explains in detail when English requires "be" as an auxiliary verb. This video is for students at an upper-intermediate level.

What makes a language... a language? - Martin Hilpert

Dig into the distinction between a language and a dialect, and uncover the history of standardized languages.

Writing Your Bilingual Journey

TeachersEducationLanguageTeacher Cafe...
Fostering a bilingual identity can be motivating and empowering for students. Hese is a short video to help the think through the process.

How do our brains process speech? - Gareth Gaskell

The average 20-year-old knows between 27,000 and 52,000 different words. Spoken out loud, most of these words last less than a second.

The Power of Stories to Build a Kinder World

TeachersLanguageReadingTeacher Cafe...
If you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you’ll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view, until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it. Atticus Finch, “To Kill a Mockingbird” (1962)

Why Are Adults Bad At New Languages?

Learning a new language as an adult is harder than doing so as a child because adults usually aren’t as invested and often use the wrong strategies.

How to learn any language in six months

Chris Lonsdale is Managing Director of Chris Lonsdale & Associates, a company established to catalyse breakthrough performance for individuals and senior teams.

The future of global English - coping with culture

TeachersTeacher CafeEducationLanguage...
This talk was given by David Crystal for The English-Speaking Union annual lecture, in partnership with the British Council. There is a widely held view that one of the consequences of the rise of English as a world language is global intelligibility. However, at the level of everyday communication, cultural differences between the countries that use English often present a barrier to understanding. The talk illustrates some of the conversational cross-purposes that have taken place, and discusses the kind of cultural awareness all English speakers need to have when they interact with others on a global scale.


TeachersHistoryTeacher CafeEducation...
Scott Thornbury's history of second language acquisition (SLA) in a nutshell. A lot of great ideas.

Steven Pinker on Language Pragmatics

TeachersTeacher CafeLanguageEducation
Steven Pinker talks about Language Pragmatics and how language is learned through context.

The Everyday Language Learner Interview Series: Stephen Krashen

TeachersTeacher CafeEducationLanguage
Dr. Krashen is perhaps best know for the general theory of second language acquisition.

Jack C. Richards on Professional Development for ESL/ELT Professionals

TeachersSelfTeacher CafeEducation...
In this video, Jack discusses professional development for ELT/ESL professionals.