
The Real Reason Why You Have Allergies

Allergies are more than just overreactions – they might be an evolutionary relic from a time when worms invaded our bodies daily.

Are you an ear rumbler?

Your body is a lot louder than you might think.

What staying up all night does to your brain - Anna Rothschild

Explore how pulling an all-nighter can impact your cognitive function, and find out what happens to your brain when you don't sleep.

We Fell For The Oldest Lie On The Internet

“Your blood vessels stretch a staggering 100,000 kilometers, enough to wrap around Earth twice!" Sounds amazing, right? We spent over a year trying to confirm this claim, and let's just say – things aren't as they seem.

Let go of labels. Transform your life.

Don’t call yourself “a writer,” just write. Ryan Holiday on how the labels you give yourself can hold you back.

Video Games Are Good For Your Brain

ft-brained"? Is a human brain not fully developed until a person hits 25 years old? Did my parents waste a bunch of money buying Mozart CDs to make me smarter as a baby?

The real reason polio is so dangerous

Explore what makes polio so dangerous, what is causing the 21st century resurgence of cases, and how we can eradicate the disease.

Tired of Doomscrolling?

Being a human in the 21st century often feels frustrating. We are clearly at the high point of our species, while at the same time life is incredibly hard! We are divided, unable to solve our problems while creating new ones, destroying our world in the process.

The Hidden Forces Behind Your Food Choices | Sarah Lake | TED

What we eat is less about what we choose and more about what's offered to us, says food and climate expert Sarah Lake.

Can Dogs Detect the Next Pandemic Before It Begins? | Glen J. Golden | TED

What if animals like dogs, ferrets, mice and raccoons could help sniff out the next pandemic? Exploring the science of smell, neurobiologist Glen J. Golden delves into the development of a "mechanical nose" that could detect diseases by identifying specific odor profiles.

Why Recipes are holding you back from learning how to cook

Are you tired of spending so much energy on your grocery shopping or do you feel like life is busy and there is never enough time to cook? If so, this video might be for you.

You’re Filled With Microplastics. So What?

Plastic pollution has been called “one of the greatest environmental challenges of the 21st century.” Billions of tons of it has entered the ecosystem, and entered YOU, in the form of so-called “microplastics.” But are microplastics actually bad?

Is Co-Sleeping REALLY Dangerous?

If you've ever taken care of a baby, you might have heard that sleeping on the same bed with them, AKA co-sleeping, is a big no-no. But the research into the ins and outs of bed sharing is more complicated than you might think.

The Species That Broke Evolution?

The ancestors of gars, horseshoe crabs and coelacanths looked almost the same as their modern relatives. Darwin called species like these “living fossils'' because they seem like they are evolutionarily frozen in time. But Darwin was wrong.

Fever Feels Horrible, but is Actually Awesome!

Fever feels bad. So we take medication to suppress it – but is this a good idea? It turns out fever is one of the oldest defenses against disease.

Why loneliness feels so real, even when it’s not | Kasley Killam

Challenging the loneliness stigma can change your life. Here’s how to start.

5 Ways CRISPR Is About to Change Everything

CRISPR-based gene therapies are already changing healthcare for things like sickle cell disease. But CRISPR is bigger than just medicine, and it could revolutionize everything from food and agriculture to green energy fuels to plastics.

Why is it so dangerous to step on a rusty nail? - Louise Thwaites

Explore how a toxin-producing bacterium causes tetanus, and how to identify its common symptoms and best prevention practices.

This Disease is Deadlier Than The Plague

The white death has haunted humanity like no other disease following us for thousands, maybe millions of years.

Why People Prefer More Pain

We experimented to see how much pain our volunteers could handle.

7 Ways Humans Change Color

We're all used to our bodies being more or less the color they always are.