What Would Happen If We Just Kept Digging?
AdultsEnvironmentGeologyPhysics...The deepest hole we've ever been able to dig is just 0.2 percent of the way to the center of the Earth. What would we encounter if we could drill all the way?
We Traveled Back in Time. Now Physicists Are Angry.
AdultsLifeScienceTechnology...Time travel is possible. In fact, you’ve been doing it since the day you were born.
Brian Cox on quantum computing and black hole physics
AdultsPhysicsScienceTechnology“You’re not meant to understand what I just said, because I don’t understand what I just said…” Physicist Brian Cox on one of the most complex theories in space science.
Why the Hardest Rocks Can Be Easy to Break
AdultsEducationMathPhysics...So, rocks are hard. But the scale we use to rank them, the Mohs scale, is only really good at quantifying that for one kind of hardness, and topaz is a perfect stone to talk about to explain that. And you can check it out in our SciShow Rocks Box subscription!
What Happens If You Destroy A Black Hole?
AdultsEnvironmentLifeScience...Black holes can destroy everything – but can they be destroyed? What happens if we push physics to the absolute limits, maybe even break it and the universe in the process?
The Figure 8 Knot Has Never Failed. Why?
AdultsConstructionEducationPhysics...Modern roped rock climbing, one of the nerdiest sports, relies almost entirely on a single type of knot for safety: the figure eight knot.
The Weight of “Nothing” Could Mean Everything (to Physics)
AdultsLifePsychologyScience...Deep in a Sardinian mine, researchers are constructing an experiment that hopes to solve what's known as The Worst Prediction In The History of Physics, and pin down the true identity of dark energy.
The Most Misunderstood Concept in Physics
AdultsEducationPhysicsScienceA huge thank you to those who helped us understand different aspects of this complicated topic - Dr. Ashmeet Singh, Supriya Krishnamurthy, Dr. Jos Thijssen, Dr. Bijoy Bera, Dr. Timon Idema, Álvaro Bermejillo Seco and Dr. Misha Titov.
How This Guy Became The Best Rock Skipper On The Planet | Obsessed | WIRED
AdultsFunHumanMedia...Kurt Steiner is record holding champion stone skipper—and a master of the physics that underpin the sport. A labor of love that's evolved into a world-class passion, see where Kurt harvests his preferred rocks, the qualities he seeks in them, and each factor he considers in order to throw like a pro.