
Stop doing crunches and sit-ups - do planks and leg raises instead

Adults Health
Heather Milton, a senior exercise physiologist at NYU Langone Health, does not recommend sit-ups or crunches for building your core because they put your spine through unnecessary stress.

Why We Eat Too Much

Adults Health
We're hugely invested in the idea that the cause of obesity lies with diet - and that we should therefore solve the problem with kale and apple soup (and other such products). But the real cause of obesity has nothing to do with food. It lies in our emotional under-nourishment. We will start to eat less when we feel more connected, more understood and more in touch with our feelings.

This Biomimetic Tech Could Mean Fewer Trips to the Dentist (You're Welcome)

Adults Health
A new material inspired by mussels may be the key to fillings and crowns that never break or fall out.

What it takes to run the gnarliest race in the world | Ryan Sandes' Dedicate

Adults Health
Ryan Sandes shocked the running world when he won the 2017 Western States 100 - this is what it took to win one of the gnarliest races in the world.

How Far Would You Go To Save A Child's Life? | Amazing Humans

Adults Health
When he was aged just nine years old, Lewis was gravely ill and in desperate need of a kidney transplant. His mum Su, didn't hesitate to donate one of hers. Eight years later, Lewis is competing at the Transplant Games in Lanarkshire, determined to win a gold medal for his mum.

Lab-Grown Mosquitoes Are Being Released by the Millions, Here's What You Need to Know

Adults Health
Mosquitoes kill more people annually than any other animal on earth. But several research companies are looking to tame this issue.

When is water safe to drink? - Mia Nacamulli

Adults Health
Water is refreshing, hydrating, and invaluable to your survival. But clean water remains a precious and often scarce commodity - there are nearly 800 million people who still don't have regular access to it. Why is that? And how can you tell whether the water you have access to - whether from a tap or otherwise - is drinkable? Mia Nacamulli examines water contamination and treatment.

You Might Get Fat Just By Smelling Your Food

Adults Health
The nose's olfactory receptors are stimulated when we smell food and other odors. But could the process of smelling cause weight gain?

Swimming vs. Running: Which Is The Best For You?

Adults Health
There has always been a constant debate as to which is the best form of exercise, so it's time science finds the answer.

A soft silicone 3D-printed heart

Adults Health
Swiss researchers have come a step closer to building a better artificial heart. It's a squishy prototype that's 3D-printed from silicone.

Our Little Superhero Made Of Glass | Living Differently

Adults Health
Kaden Casebolt, 5, has Osteogenesis Imperfecta, meaning his bones can break from sneezing. Despite his fragility, the superhero-obsessed boy loves dressing up as his heroes.

What happens when you have a concussion? - Clifford Robbins

Adults Health
Each year in the United States, players of sports and recreational activities receive between 2.5 and 4 million concussions. How dangerous are all those concussions? The answer is complicated and lies in how the brain responds when something strikes it. Clifford Robbins explains the science behind concussions.

Your Body Is Designed to Attack a New Organ, Now We Know Why

Adults Health
Scientists think they've found the molecular basis for organ transplant rejection. Now that we know its cause, could we prevent its effect?

What happens to your body when you stop exercising

Adults Health
For adults, the CDC recommends at least 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity and two, or more, days of muscle training per week. However, not everyone meets those standards. This is what happens to your body when you go from regularly exercise to none at all.

The Medical Student Trying To End Loneliness In The Elderly | Amazing Humans

Adults Health
This inspirational medical student Fraser takes elderly people on rickshaw rides to overcome loneliness. Mary is 89 and lives in a home, she and friend Chris are taken on rickshaw rides by Fraser to get them out and about in Aberdeen.

What happens to your body when you binge-watch too much TV

Adults Health
Watching hours of TV at a time creates an astounding cocktail of bad side-effects. But there are ways to binge responsibly.

How does caffeine keep us awake? - Hanan Qasim

Adults Health
Over 100,000 metric tons of caffeine are consumed around the world every year. That's equivalent to the weight of 14 Eiffel Towers! Caffeine helps us feel alert, focused, and energetic, even if we haven't had enough sleep - but it can also raise our blood pressure and make us feel anxious. So how does it keep us awake? Hanan Qasim shares the science behind the world's most widely used drug.

The Hunt for Patient Zero Is Important But Impossible

Adults Health
Finding the source of a disease outbreak requires intensive detective work from health experts. But is finding Patient Zero even possible?

Revolutionizing Heart Surgery With Virtual Reality

Adults Health
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to take a ride through the human body on the Magic School Bus? Well, a new bit of virtual reality technology is taking that concept and applying it to medical training. Doctors can now teleport inside the human heart and practice surgery over and over again, and this training could revolutionize the future of health care.

Kid Yoga Teacher | Tabay Atkins // 60 Second Docs

Adults Health
11-year-old Tabay Atkins is America's youngest yoga teacher, and his purpose is giving back. After his mother beat cancer when he was just 6, Tabay picked up yoga, realizing the practice that helped his mom heal could make a difference for others. Once he completed a 200-hour teacher training, Tabay began teaching three free classes (donations appreciated) every week. Now, students of all ages flock to his studio to honor the divine spirit in him -- and themselves.

Some People Are Programmed to Sleep Better Than Others

Adults Health
Do you have a hard time getting a good night's sleep? According to scientists, it's all in your genes.