
Why Does A Disco Clam Light Up?

Our curator of benthic molluscs Dr. Katie Collins explains this clam’s clever party trick.

What Is A Core Sample?

Have you ever wanted to go back in time— just to see what it was like? Well, scientists have figured out how …sort of…

Intro To Nutrition

The goal for today's lesson is to explain the role of nutrition in leading a healthy lifestyle.

You Are Your Microbes

Jessica Green and Karen Guillemin emphasize the importance of understanding the many organisms that make up each and every organism.

Diplocaulus: An Ancient Animal

Squeaks and Jessi discover an animal with a head that reminds them of a boomerang.

A Lot About Axolotls

Join Jessi and Squeaks as they learn about why axolotls have feathery gills and live in water, and how to protect their natural habitat.

Why Do Giraffes Have Long Necks?

Why do giraffes have such long necks?

How Do Whales Withstand Ocean Pressure?

How do deep-diving whales—air-breathing mammals like us—survive life in the deep?

Why Do We Have Bones?

Why do we have skeletons inside of us, and what even are bones?

How Fish Get Away With Being Colourful

Coral reef fish get away with being colourful thanks to a weird quirk of underwater optics.

Why Do We Have Crooked Teeth?

Explore the prevailing scientific theory of why crooked teeth and impacted wisdom teeth are recent developments in human evolution.

The Guts

Today, we will learn about how your gut works through a rather gross science experiment.

Do Butterflies Taste With Their Feet?

Butterfly and moth expert Dr. David Lees explores what we know about butterflies’ sense of taste.

Microworlds: Bug Mimics

Mimicry takes a few forms here on the coast in the world of bugs, all in the name of survival.

How Do We Move Our Fingers

Learn about how we move our fingers and more fun scientific facts related to hands.

How Your Immune System Works

Today, we are finding out how your immune system works through a science experiment!

How Does Our Sense Of Balance Work?

Today, you will learn about how you BALANCE!

What Was The Biggest Dinosaur That Ever Lived?

What was the largest dinosaur? And how did it get so big? If you're shouting 'Diplodocus!' and 'Brachiosaurus!', you're on the right track.

Magenta: The Colour That Doesn't Exist

When we look at a rainbow, we see a full spectrum of light. Every colour we could imagine. Except one – magenta.

How Close Are We To Uploading Our Minds?

Investigate the possibility of scanning the human brain and uploading our minds and consciousness to a digital world.

What Is Symbiosis?

You might think symbiosis is when two different species live in perfect harmony— but that’s just one kind of interaction.