Part One: Warm Up
Discuss the following questions with your partner(s).
- How much of a child’s success is natural?
- How does parenting style influence success in childhood? What about adulthood?
- How would you describe your parents’ parenting style when you were a child? What effects has the way you were parented had on you?
- Do you think there is one best parenting style, or does the best parenting style depend on the child and their parent(s)?
Part Two: Getting Ready to Speak
In Use of English 6-2, you learned and practiced expressions to ask for and give opinions, show (dis)agreement, express reservations, and show (dis)approval in a small group discussion. In this lesson, you are going to focus on confirming and clarifying your understanding of other people’s ideas in such discussions.
Open the exercise and follow the instructions.
Part Three: Your Turn
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