Vocabulary List

Part of SpeechAdverb
ExampleThe man has been living abroad for many years.
Part of SpeechAdverb
ExampleI am absolutely coming to the party tomorrow.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleI'm sorry I did that. It was an accident.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleTravelling with friends has many advantages.
Part of SpeechVerb
ExampleThe packaged-tour was advertised on TV.
Part of SpeechVerb
ExampleHow do you afford to travel so much?
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleI prefer to sit in an aisle seat on airplanes.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleThe architecture of that building is beautiful.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleDo you know where we can pick up our baggage?
Part of SpeechAdverb
ExampleI basically just answer emails all day at my job.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleYou have to be careful to watch your belongings in this city.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleYou don't need your passport on this trip because we are not crossing any borders.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleMy dog Jack is my best buddy.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleI prefer to stay at budget hotels when I travel on business.
Wordby chance
Part of SpeechPhrase
ExampleIt was by chance that we were staying in the same hotel.
Wordcheck in / out
Part of SpeechNoun, Phrasal Verb
ExampleWhat time is check-out tomorrow morning?
Part of SpeechNoun, Verb
ExampleWe took a cruise to Alaska from Vancouver last fall.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleGoing through customs at the airport can take a long time.
Part of SpeechVerb
ExampleWhat time does your plane depart?
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleCould you please provide us with a description of the man that stole your bag?
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleWe left Vancouver and went to Melbourne, Australia.  This means Melbourne was our destination.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleWe didn't take a tour because there were many disadvantages over planning the trip ourselves.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleI crossed the equator when I flew to Peru.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleOur guide has a lot of expertise about the area.
Wordflight attendant
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleLet's ask the flight attendant for a drink.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleThere is a lot of footage online of the crash.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleNew Zealand looks like a gorgeous country.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleThe government has banned smoking in restaurants.
Part of SpeechNoun, Verb
ExampleYour teacher is your guide to learning.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleAfter we get married, we are going on our honeymoon the next day.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleYou need to contact immigration if you lose your visa.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleMy inbox was full of new emails this morning.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleThe video became an instant success.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleI am jealous of his success.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleThe journey across India by train took nearly two weeks.
Part of SpeechVerb
ExampleThe plane is going to land in two hours.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleI need to buy some new luggage for our trip.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleI have such good memories of our time together.
Part of SpeechAdverb
ExampleI slept last night for nearly 10 hours.
Part of SpeechAdjective, Adverb
ExampleI have never flown overseas.
Part of SpeechNoun, Verb
ExampleMy hotel and flight were sold together as a package.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleI hope to have traveled to every continent in our planet by the time I die.
Part of SpeechAdverb
ExampleIt's probably going to rain soon. The sky is pretty dark.
Part of SpeechAdjective
ExampleI'm really proud of you for getting a good score on your test.
Part of SpeechVerb
ExampleEverything is provided for you in that hotel.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleThe resort owns three kilometres  of the beach.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleI sent the email yesterday, but there has been no response.
Part of SpeechNoun, Verb
ExampleWe can see the reverse if we look at a mirror.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleThe quickest route to the store is through the park.
Part of SpeechNoun, Verb
ExampleLet's go sightseeing this weekend!
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleI bought this t-shirt for you as a souvenir.
Part of SpeechNoun, Verb
ExampleMany companies sponsor the festival.
Part of SpeechNoun
ExampleHow many suitcases are you travelling with?
Wordtake off
Part of SpeechVerb
ExampleThe airplane is taking off in one hour.
Part of SpeechNoun, Verb
ExampleYou can take a tour of the factory if you like.
Part of SpeechNoun, Verb
ExampleWhat form of transport did you use to get to school?
Part of SpeechNoun, Verb
ExampleHave you updated the website yet?
Part of SpeechVerb
ExampleMatt wandered around Asia.
  Word Part of Speech Example
abroad Adverb The man has been living abroad for many years.
absolutely Adverb I am absolutely coming to the party tomorrow.
accident Noun I'm sorry I did that. It was an accident.
Noun Travelling with friends has many advantages.
advertise Verb The packaged-tour was advertised on TV.
afford Verb How do you afford to travel so much?
aisle Noun I prefer to sit in an aisle seat on airplanes.
architecture Noun The architecture of that building is beautiful.
baggage Noun Do you know where we can pick up our baggage?
basically Adverb I basically just answer emails all day at my job.
belongings Noun You have to be careful to watch your belongings in this city.
border Noun You don't need your passport on this trip because we are not crossing any borders.
buddy Noun My dog Jack is my best buddy.
Adjective I prefer to stay at budget hotels when I travel on business.
by chance Phrase It was by chance that we were staying in the same hotel.
check in / out Noun, Phrasal Verb What time is check-out tomorrow morning?
cruise Noun, Verb We took a cruise to Alaska from Vancouver last fall.
Noun Going through customs at the airport can take a long time.
depart Verb What time does your plane depart?
description Noun Could you please provide us with a description of the man that stole your bag?
destination Noun We left Vancouver and went to Melbourne, Australia.  This means Melbourne was our destination.
disadvantage Noun We didn't take a tour because there were many disadvantages over planning the trip ourselves.
equator Noun I crossed the equator when I flew to Peru.
expertise Noun Our guide has a lot of expertise about the area.
flight attendant Noun Let's ask the flight attendant for a drink.
footage Noun There is a lot of footage online of the crash.
gorgeous Adjective New Zealand looks like a gorgeous country.
government Noun The government has banned smoking in restaurants.
guide Noun, Verb Your teacher is your guide to learning.
honeymoon Noun After we get married, we are going on our honeymoon the next day.
Noun You need to contact immigration if you lose your visa.
Noun My inbox was full of new emails this morning.
instant Adjective The video became an instant success.
jealous Adjective I am jealous of his success.
journey Noun The journey across India by train took nearly two weeks.
Verb The plane is going to land in two hours.
luggage Noun I need to buy some new luggage for our trip.
memory Noun I have such good memories of our time together.
nearly Adverb I slept last night for nearly 10 hours.
overseas Adjective, Adverb I have never flown overseas.
Noun, Verb My hotel and flight were sold together as a package.
planet Noun I hope to have traveled to every continent in our planet by the time I die.
probably Adverb It's probably going to rain soon. The sky is pretty dark.
proud Adjective I'm really proud of you for getting a good score on your test.
provide Verb Everything is provided for you in that hotel.
resort Noun The resort owns three kilometres  of the beach.
response Noun I sent the email yesterday, but there has been no response.
reverse Noun, Verb We can see the reverse if we look at a mirror.
route Noun The quickest route to the store is through the park.
sightseeing Noun, Verb Let's go sightseeing this weekend!
souvenir Noun I bought this t-shirt for you as a souvenir.
sponsor Noun, Verb Many companies sponsor the festival.
suitcase Noun How many suitcases are you travelling with?
take off
Verb The airplane is taking off in one hour.
tour Noun, Verb You can take a tour of the factory if you like.
transport Noun, Verb What form of transport did you use to get to school?
update Noun, Verb Have you updated the website yet?
wander Verb Matt wandered around Asia.