Objectives & Sequence: This lesson is intended to be used as a review of Grammar - The First & Second Conditionals.

Part One

Work with a partner. Try to figure out the words that you think are missing in each conversation. Listen to see if you were correct.

playing soccer raining

A: What's the weather _______ outside?

B: Not so good. It's _______ cloudy. I think it's going to rain.

A: Oh man. If it _______, soccer practice will be pretty miserable.

B: Yeah, _______ get soaked.

saying bye

A: I'm leaving now, Mom. Bye!

B: Wait, you need a hat. It's going to get pretty sunny this afternoon. You'll _______ a sunburn. 

A: A sunburn? Mom, it's cloudy. I don't need a hat. I _______ don't think the weather is going to _______

B: Well, you can't be too sure.

A: I'm actually worried it's going to rain. If the sun _______ out this afternoon, it would be a pleasant _______.

cold weather

A: Man, this weather is awful. If I _______ have to work and pay my _______, I'd be far away from here on a tropical island right now.

B: Oh yeah, that _______ be so nice. We _______ go to the beach, get a tan, maybe go swimming in the ocean...

A: So where would you go?

B: Probably somewhere like Jamaica or Cuba. You?

A: I would go to Mexico if I _______. Too bad we're stuck here with this weather.

B: Yeah.


A: Wow, did you hear the _______? A storm must be coming. 

B: Yeah, I guess so. We should probably stay home this afternoon. It's too _______ to go _______.

A: What, you _______ you're worried about getting struck by lightning? That's pretty silly.

B: It could happen. I mean, it's not _______.

A: Yeah, but it's extremely unlikely. 

B: I suppose you're right.

Part Two


With your partner, open the exercise transcript and practice the conversations. Use the recordings to help you with the pronunciation and intonation of the words. Try to mimic the style of the speakers.
