Review car parts, amounts and tools.

What can you find in a junkyard?
You can find a lot of...
Sometimes there are ...
Usually there aren't many...
When did you last visit a junkyard? Why?
I last visited a junkyard......
I visited because....
What did you see or buy there? Was it useful?
I saw ...
I bought...
It was / was not useful because...
Part 1
Intro Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4
Take turns with your group talking about what happened and what part(s) you need from the junkyard.

windshield wipers

car door

steering wheel



rearview mirror


Part 2
As a class or in groups make a list of car parts that you can find in a junk yard.
- windshield wipers
- doors
- windows
- steering wheel
- tire
- bumper
- seats
- stereo
- headlights lights
- motor
Part 3
Now, have a conversations with a partner asking for a parts from the junkyard.
- A: I am looking for a hose and a bumper for a 1999 VW Jetta.
- B: This hose is exactly what you need to repair your car.
- A: Do you have the bumper for this car?
- B: Let me take a look. Yes, I think I do.
- A: Great, thank you.
- B: Good luck repairing the car with the that hose and bumper.