
How Much Is Your Body Worth?

Adults Economy
We break down your value piece by piece!

Why Biodiversity Is Good For The Economy

Adults Economy
Research suggests that more diverse ecosystems are better for the bottom line.

We Asked Bill Gates: Do You Need To Be Rich To Be Healthy?

Adults Economy
This video is in collaboration with Bill and Melinda Gates. You can check out the Gates Annual Letter here:

How Airlines Price Flights

Adults Economy
Airline ticket pricing probably seems like a crapshoot. The numbers change seemingly arbitrarily every week, day, or hour, but there is some real science behind these prices.

Elon Musk's Basic Economics

Adults Economy
Imagine a $2,000 car... or a $100 laptop... or a $70 iPhone... or imagine any product, ten times cheaper than it was.

China's Geography Problem

Adults Economy
China is the country both blessed and coursed in geography.

Why Public Transportation Sucks in the US

Adults Economy
Access to transportation is the single most important factor in individual's ability to escape poverty.

The life cycle of a t-shirt - Angel Chang

Adults Economy
Consider the classic white t-shirt. Annually, we sell and buy 2 billion t-shirts globally, making it one of the most common garments in the world. But how and where is the average t-shirt made, and what's its environmental impact? Angel Chang traces the life cycle of a t-shirt.

Why Trains are so Expensive

Adults Economy
Trains require a lot of people to operate.

Why Chinese Manufacturing Wins

Adults Economy
This video explains why Chinese manufacturing takes the first place worldwide.

The real reason streetcars are making a comeback

Adults Economy
It's mostly about economic development.

Why We Hate Cheap Things

Adults Economy
In assessing what material things are important and worth paying attention to, we're oddly prejudiced against cheapness - and frustratingly drawn to the expensive, for reasons that don't necessarily stand up to examination.

NAFTA explained by avocados. And shoes.

Adults Economy
Everyone hates NAFTA. But what was NAFTA actually supposed to do? Did it deliver on its promise? To understand that, you have to look at America's relationships with two goods: avocados and shoes.

How does money laundering work? - Delena D. Spann

Adults Economy
Money laundering is the term for any process that "cleans" illegally obtained funds of their "dirty" criminal origins, allowing them to be used within the legal economy. And the practice is about as old as money itself. But how does it actually work? Delena D. Spann describes the ins and outs of money laundering. Lesson by Delena D. Spann, animation by Juan M. Urbina.


Adults Economy
Karl Marx remains deeply important today not as the man who told us what to replace capitalism with, but as someone who brilliantly pointed out certain of its problems. The School of Life, a pro-Capitalist institution, takes a look.

The economics of beard popularity in the US

Adults Economy
We may have reached "peak beard."

Bill Gates: the robot that takes your job should pay taxes

Adults Economy
In an interview with Quartz editor-in-chief Kevin Delaney, Bill Gates explains why robots that take jobs away from people shouldn't get a free pass when it comes to income tax.