
Some People Are Programmed to Sleep Better Than Others

Adults Genetics
Do you have a hard time getting a good night's sleep? According to scientists, it's all in your genes.

Destroying Cancer Using Your Own Genetically Modified Cells

Adults Genetics
Scientists are taking cancer patients' immune cells and engineering them to fight cancer. How does it work?

We Could Back Up The Entire Internet On A Gram Of DNA

Adults Genetics
Nature's code for life is stored in DNA, but what if we could code anything we wanted into DNA? Scientists are figuring out how.

We Got Our DNA Tested, Here's How It Actually Works

Adults Genetics
Trace and Amy get their DNA test results, and we talk to an expert about how scientists actually get genetic information out of DNA.

Genetic Engineering Will Change Everything Forever

Adults Genetics
Designer babies, the end of diseases, genetically modified humans that never age. Outrageous things that used to be science fiction are suddenly becoming reality. The only thing we know for sure is that things will change irreversibly.

What Is Life? Is Death Real?

Adults Genetics
So what is the difference between you and a rock? This seems like an easy, even stupid question. But even the smartest people on earth have no idea where to draw the line between living and dead things.

Rosalind Franklin: DNA's unsung hero - Claudio L. Guerra

Adults Genetics
The discovery of the structure of DNA was one of the most important scientific achievements in human history.

We Can Now Edit Our DNA. But Let's Do it Wisely

Adults Genetics
Geneticist Jennifer Doudna co-invented a groundbreaking new technology for editing genes, called CRISPR-Cas9. The tool allows scientists to make precise edits to DNA strands, which could lead to treatments for genetic diseases.

Why do babies' eyes change color?

Adults Genetics
A weekly show where we endeavor to answer one of your big questions. This week, doxysrkx asks, "Why are babies born with blue eyes?"


Adults Genetics
7 MYTHS You Still Believe About Genetics

Is This Glass Half Empty?

Adults Genetics
Are you an optimist or a pessimist?

Could We Clone Ourselves?

Adults Genetics
Is the science of Orphan Black realistic? Could we clone humans, or engineer them to have customized traits? We take a look at today's genetic engineering technologies to find out if designer babies and human cloning is, or should be, a reality.

How Many Smells Can You Smell?

Adults Genetics
How do we smell?

Early Birds vs Night Owls

Adults Genetics
Are night owls really lagging behind in life?