
A neuroscientist explains how being bilingual makes your brain more robust

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Marian Sigman, a neuroscientist and author of "The Secret Life of the Mind: How Your Brain Thinks, Feels, and Decides," explains how babies that grow up bilingual will have brain functions that might be superior to those children that only speak one language.

What can you learn from ancient skeletons? - Farnaz Khatibi

Adults Human
Ancient skeletons can tell us a great deal about the past, including the age, gender and even the social status of its former owner. But how can we know all of these details simply by examining some old, soil-caked bones? Farnaz Khatibi examines a fascinating branch of science known as biological anthropology.

Overpopulation - The Human Explosion Explained

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In a very short amount of time the human population exploded and is still growing very fast. Will this lead to the end of our civilization?

How Your Brain Helps You Lie To Yourself

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A new study aims to find out why and how we avoid information we don't want to hear-- and how we can stop doing it.

How Bilingual Brains Perceive Time Differently

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A new study has found that what language you speak might alter your perception of time.

How does your body process medicine?

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Have you ever wondered what happens to a painkiller, like ibuprofen, after you swallow it? Medicine that slides down your throat can help treat a headache, a sore back, or a throbbing sprained ankle. But how does it get where it needs to go in the first place?

How does asthma work? - Christopher E. Gaw

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More than 300 million people around the world suffer from asthma, and around 250,000 people die from it each year. But why do people get asthma, and how can this disease be deadly? Christopher E. Gaw describes the main symptoms and treatments of asthma.

Oxygen's surprisingly complex journey through your body - Enda Butler

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Oxygen forms about 21% of the air around us. In your body, oxygen forms a vital role in the production of energy in most cells. But if gases can only efficiently diffuse across tiny distances, how does oxygen reach the cells deep inside your body? Enda Butler tracks the surprisingly complex journey of oxygen through your body.

Are You Thinking About Breathing While You Read This? (Now You Are)

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What really drives us to breathe? And how dangerous is it to hyperventilate and hold your breath?

Your Brain Changes all the time, but Being a Mom Changes It Forever

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Mother's bodies go through tons of changes before and after giving birth, but so do their brains! What really makes a mom's brain different?

Using GPS to Get Around Is Making Us Dumber

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GPS services have made getting from point A to point B a lot easier, but what effects does this have on our brains?

How You Can Survive With Only One-Third of Your Blood

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How much blood can a human lose without dying, and how does the body replenish that blood once it's gone?

What Happens To Child Prodigies When They Grow Up?

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Children who develop remarkable skills at an early age are often knowns at prodigies, but what happens to these kids once they grow up?

The Unexpected Things Winter Does To Your Body

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Everyone suffers a little in the winter, be it human or animal, but how does cold climate actually change your body?

Why Isn't Our Hair Naturally Blue?

Adults Human
Human hair comes in a variety of colors; including brown, blonde, and black. Why doesn't it grow blue or green?

Why humans are so bad at thinking about climate change

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The biggest problem for the climate change fight isn't technology - it's human psychology.

Why Some People Don't Feel Pain

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Pain helps us survive, and yet some people are born without the ability to feel pain, how?