
How Bilingual Brains Perceive Time Differently

Adults Language
A new study has found that what language you speak might alter your perception of time.

Teen Speaks Over 20 Languages

Adults Language
Prodigy hyper-polyglot Tim Doner has been teaching himself languages since he was 13. He now speaks nearly 20 languages! Join Tim on a cultural tour of New York unlike any you've ever heard!

Why Can't Chimpanzees Speak?

Adults Language
Chimpanzees are very smart animals, so why can't they speak? Tara is here to explain how a gene mutation allows humans to speak, but not chimps.

Aphasia: The disorder that makes you lose your words - Susan Wortman-Jutt

Adults Language
Language is an essential part of our lives that we often take for granted. But, if the delicate web of language networks in your brain became disrupted by stroke, illness, or trauma, you could find yourself truly at a loss for words.

One of the most difficult words to translate

Adults Language
As simple as it seems, it's often impossible to accurately translate the word you without knowing a lot more about the situation where it's being said. Krystian Aparta describes the specific reasons why it can be difficult, citing examples from many different languages.

What Does Your Accent Say About You?

Adults Language
Can science explain the way you speak?

The pleasure of poetic pattern

Adults Language
Humans are creatures of rhythm and repetition. From our breath to our gait: rhythm is central to our experience, and often brings us pleasure. We can find pleasure in the rhythm of a song, or even the rows of an orchard. Of course, too much repetition can also backfire. David Silverstein describes what poetic repetition is and why it works.

Introducing Tap to Translate

Adults Language
Tap to Translate: instantly translate text within any app on your Android phone. No more app switching. Just copy the text and your translation pops up right there.

The Turing test: Can a computer pass for a human?

Adults Language
What is consciousness? Can an artificial machine really think? For many, these have been vital considerations for the future of artificial intelligence.

The Zipf Mystery

Adults Language
The of and to. A in is I. That it, for you, was with on. As have ... but be they.

How To Pronounce These High-Profile Brand Names

Adults Language
Be it because of a language barrier or just bad planning on the company's part, many people go around mispronouncing high-profile brand names

Why is there a "b" in doubt?

Adults Language
Say the word "doubt" aloud. What is that "b" doing there? Does it have any purpose? Gina Cooke explains the long and winding history of "doubt" and why the spelling, though it seems random, is a wink to its storied past.

Hearing Hands

Adults Language
People Learn How To "Speak" In Sign Language To Surprise Their Hearing Impaired Neighbour.

How languages evolve - Alex Gendler

Adults Language
Over the course of human history, thousands of languages have developed from what was once a much smaller number. How did we end up with so many? And how do we keep track of them all? Alex Gendler explains how linguists group languages into language families, demonstrating how these linguistic trees give us crucial insights into the past.

Music as a language - Victor Wooten

Adults Language
Music is a powerful communication tool--it causes us to laugh, cry, think and question. Bassist and five-time Grammy winner, Victor Wooten, asks us to approach music the same way we learn verbal language--by embracing mistakes and playing as often as possible.

Meet Disco the incredible talking budgie

Adults Language
When budgies mimic their owners they are simply doing what they would do in the wild. They learn their names from their parents and also the distinct calls of their family.

Are Elvish, Klingon, Dothraki and Na'vi real languages?

Adults Language
What do Game of Thrones' Dothraki, Avatar's Na'vi, Star Trek's Klingon and LOTR's Elvish have in common? They are all fantasy constructed languages, or conlangs. Conlangs have all the delicious complexities of real languages: a high volume of words, grammar rules, and room for messiness and evolution. John McWhorter explains why these invented languages captivate fans long past the rolling credits.