Explaining Now
AdultsSmrt LiveGrammarEducation...Leanne explains how English speakers use the present perfect simple to explain the present with finished, past actions and the present perfect continuous to describe longer, possibly unfinished actions. This lesson is for students at a pre-intermediate level.
Review and the Past Simple
AdultsSmrt LiveGrammarEducation...Mark reviews the differences between the present perfect simple and present perfect continuous and also explains the similarities and differences of the present perfect with the past simple. This video is for students at a pre-intermediate level.
English Grammar Lesson: First Conditional & Time Clauses
AdultsSmrt LiveGrammarEducation...Leanne gives a video lesson / tutorial on the usage of the First Conditional grammar rule as well as how to talk about the future with time clauses. This lesson is aimed at ESL students studying English grammar at an upper-intermediate level.
English Grammar Lesson: Participle Adjectives
AdultsSmrt LiveGrammarEducation...Leanne gives a video lesson / tutorial on the usage of the participle (participial) adjectives. This includes an explanation about the difference between ~ing (present participle) and ~ed (past participle) forms. This lesson is aimed at ESL students studying English grammar at an upper-intermediate level.
English Grammar Lesson: Phrasal Verbs (Part One)
AdultsSmrt LiveGrammarEducation...Craig gives the first part of a video lesson / tutorial on the usage of phrasal verbs in English. In part one, Craig discusses separable phrasal verbs. This lesson is aimed at ESL students studying English grammar at an upper-intermediate level.
Binging with Babish: King of the Hill Special
AdultsFoodEntertainmentPeggy Hill is many things: she's a mother. A boggle champ. A substitute teacher (substitute teacher of the year twice, in fact). A sculptor. A foot fetish model. A kidnapper. A survivor of a fall from 13,000 feet without a parachute. The mother of the 15th Dalai Lama. She is by her own admission, however, not a very good cook. Will her specialty dishes make it into the clean plate club?