
The Fear That Everything Has Already Been Done

Adults Society
The frustration of photographing something amazing when thousands of identical photos already exist-the same sunset, the same waterfall, the same curve of a hip, the same closeup of an eye-which can turn a unique subject into something hollow and pulpy and cheap, like a mass-produced piece of furniture you happen to have assembled yourself.

The language of lying

Adults Society
We hear anywhere from 10 to 200 lies a day. And although we've spent much of our history coming up with ways to detect these lies by tracking physiological changes in their tellers, these methods have proved unreliable. Is there a more direct approach? Noah Zandan uses some famous examples of lying to illustrate how we might use communications science to analyze the lies themselves.

Comfortable: 50 People 1 Question

Adults Society
These days it is so easy to feel insecure about our appearance. Whether it is because of the mean comment that comes our way or the photoshopped image we see in magazines, it can be so easy to feel self conscious about our body. When was the last time you felt comfortable in your own skin?

Perth Train Party

Adults Society
Social artist Peter Sharp doesn't want money, he just wants to spread a little bit of happiness to the crowd!

3 Questions That Could Change The World from Kid President

Adults Society
Do you dare to do something awesome?

Chimamanda Adichie: The danger of a single story

Adults Society
Our lives, our cultures, are composed of many overlapping stories. Novelist Chimamanda Adichie tells the story of how she found her authentic cultural voice -- and warns that if we hear only a single story about another person or country, we risk a critical misunderstanding.

Do Not Read This

Adults Society
"Do Not Read This" is a campaign for those who can't read.

Umbrella Here

Adults Society
Umbrella Here is a light that can be attached on an umbrella. It is controlled by a mobile app that tells people that this umbrella is available for sharing. Just like the light you would see on a taxi. When the light is on, it represents that strangers are welcome to come in and share your umbrella. On Kickstarter

How to Build a Better City

Adults Society
There are things that all of us can do. Check them out.

Homeless Fonts

Adults Society
Homelessfonts is an Arrels Foundation initiative which consists of creating a collection of typefaces based on the handwriting of homeless. The idea behind these typefaces is for people and brands to use them in their announcements. All profits are intended to help the 1400 people supported by the Arrels Foundation.

Inside the ant colony

Adults Society
Ants have one of the most complex social organizations in the animal kingdom; they live in structured colonies that contain different types of members who perform specific roles. Sound familiar? Deborah M. Gordon explains the way these incredible creatures mate, communicate and source food, shedding light on how their actions can mimic and inform our own behavior.

Train rescue: Commuters use people power to free man trapped

Adults Society
Scores of passengers, together with staff at Stirling station, managed to tilt the carriage so the man could free his leg which was wedged in the gap. The man was boarding a Perth-bound train at about 8:50am when he slipped and became stuck.

This Homeless Man Was Ignored Every Day Until Three Strangers Did Something Magical

Adults Society
Three students in Germany stopped by a homeless man on the street to surprise him by sitting down with him and playing music. More and more people gathered and appreciated the act with generous tips.

Friend or stranger?

Adults Society
One Saturday in a bar, we set out to see if we could convince five strangers we were old friends... just using information anyone could find online.

Can You Trust Your Ears?

Adults Society
Should you believe your ears and the things they hear?

Amazing jam session

Adults Society
Jaime Tatos Maldonado comes across a musician playing outside of a store in Dallas, Texas. He decides to record at just the right moment because complete strangers join in and start singing along with the musician's song. It's a proof that music has the power to bring anyone together.

A Brave Kid Stands Up To Bullies

Adults Society
Jake's story is one of the powerful narratives filmed for The BULLY Project, the social action campaign inspired by the documentary film BULLY.