
Why is the Sky Any Color?

Adults World
It's a question that you'd think kids have been asking for thousands of years, but it might not be that old at all. The ancient Greek poet Homer never used a word for blue in The Odyssey or The Iliad, because blue is one of the last colors that cultures pick out a word for.

Save the Arctic

Adults World
Save the Arctic - Watch and share.

Exploring British Columbia Of Canada With Devin Supertramp

Adults World
The video shows you the beautiful Great Bear Rainforest that is located on the central coast of British Columbia.

Deep Sea Explorers

Adults World
While there's no shortage of weird and wacky ideas in science fiction about what creatures from other planets might look like, few are quite as remarkable as those that can actually be found right here on Earth.

EPIC proposal from 26 countries, 4 years in the making

Adults World
After the first date with his girlfriend, Jack Hyer knew he would marry her. He wrote in his travel journal in 2010, "I'm going to marry this girl eventually." He has since traveled across the world in over 25 different countries.

The Drinkable Book - Water is Life

Adults World
The Drinkable Book is a life saving tool that filters water and teaches proper sanitation & hygiene to those in the developing world.

Baltimore Landslide

Adults World
Baltimore Landslide April 30th, 2014

Facebook Will Use Drones and Lasers to 'Beam' Internet to the World

Adults World
After announcing last year, an initiative to improve Internet access across the globe, Mark Zuckerberg unveiled the Connectivity Lab, a new team of scientists that has been working on the ambitious project. He said that the Connectivity Lab would develop "new platforms for connectivity on the ground, in the air and in orbit," according to a post on on Thursday. How are they going to do it?

The Most Shocking "One Second A Day" Video You've Ever Seen

Adults World
A young girl's life gets turned upside-down in this tragic second a day video.This is what war does to children.

How we found the giant squid

Adults World
Humankind has been looking for the giant squid (Architeuthis) since we first started taking pictures underwater. But the elusive deep-sea predator could never be caught on film. Oceanographer and inventor Edith Widder shares the key insight that helped to capture the squid on camera for the first time.

People are awesome 2013

Adults World
People are amazing 2013.

What is Sea Level?

Adults World
We always hear the geographical term but do we really know what sea level is?

25 Mind Boggling Facts About Our World

Adults World
Did you know that in all of history men have only mined two Olympic sized swimming pools worth of gold? Or that frogs use their eyeballs to swallow? If you did...congratulations, you're pretty smart. If not, read on because these 25 mind boggling facts about our world will probably change the way you see some things.

Explore the Galapagos' biodiversity with Street View

Adults World
This week marks the 178th anniversary of Darwin's first exploration of the Galapagos Islands. This volcanic archipelago is one of the most biodiverse and unique places on the planet, with species that have remarkably adapted to their environment. Through observing the animals, Darwin made key insights that informed his theory of evolution. Here's a short documentary that captures the 10-day expedition: More info

Drone's eye view of Burning Man 2013

Adults World
Some daytime scenes from around the playa at Burning Man 2013. Be sure to watch in HD at full screen for maximum awesomeness!

European Landmarks At Night

Adults World
Nightvision is a celebration of the brilliance and diversity of architecture found across Europe. Over the course of three months I journeyed with a friend through 36 cities in 21 countries with the ambition of capturing some of the greatest European structures in a new and unique way. Comprised of thousands of carefully taken photographs, strung together and stabilized in post-production, Nightvision aims to inspire appreciation for these man-made landmarks.

ETNZ- LV Race 3: Finally someone to race against

Adults World
Finally today Emirates Team New Zealand got to race another boat in the Louis Vuitton Cup, lining up against Luna Rossa. It was a comprehensive win. The team put on a flawless display of boat handling in the breeze that peaked at just under 20 knots.