
Why should you read "A Midsummer Night's Dream"? - Iseult Gillespie

Adults Creativity
By the light of the moon, a group sneaks into the woods, where they take mind-altering substances, switch it up romantically and brush up against creatures from another dimension.

Who decides what art means?

Adults Creativity
There is a question that has been tossed around by philosophers and art critics for decades: how much should an artist's intention affect your interpretation of the work?

Mega Meatball Sub | Jamie Oliver

Adults Creativity
Don’t know what to put in your sub? Don’t worry - Jamie has sorted you out with a wickedly comforting, juicy and tasty Mega Meatball Sub.

How To Make The Best Mashed Potatoes

Adults Creativity
A step-by-step guide to creating your ultimate mash.

Build An Underground Home

Adults Creativity
Build a shelter using ancient traditional building techniques.

CHRISTMAS MEGA MIX | A Jamie Xmas/Thanksgiving compilation

Adults Creativity
We've gone back to the archives to give you all you will need to make your Christmas go with a bang. Sit back and enjoy nearly half an hours worth of Christmas crackers.

Ancient Mesopotamia 101 | National Geographic

Adults Creativity
Ancient Mesopotamia proved that fertile land and the knowledge to cultivate it was a fortuitous recipe for wealth and civilization.

6 Youtube Lessons for Building Better Instructional Videos

Teachers Creativity
Here are some great new ideas and examples from Youtube on creating your own instructional videos for blended learning classrooms like ours.

Tiny Tap

Teachers Creativity
A free DIY app creation platform for making your own games, interactive lessons and presentations. With this app you can even create music activities, and illustrated stories.

Timeline Creations: Sutori

Teachers Creativity
Create and explore with your students today. Sutori is a website that allows users to create timelines in visual ways. Teachers can post content, ask questions and elaborate on answers.

Creating Materials For ELL's and ESL

Teachers Creativity
The article, "Technologically and linguistically adventurous EFL teacher" written by Sandy Millin shares ideas on how to create material for your students. She offers tips and techniques to building your own resources along with extra tools to experiment with.

Creating Meaningful Experiences Through Video

Teachers Creativity
In today's digital world, one of the greatest powers we have is the ability to tell our stories- and share them with the world. Teaching students how to tap into that power not only makes learning more meaningful, but it positions them to take their place in digital society.

7 Apps for Student Creators

Teachers Creativity
Creation based tasks promote higher-order thinking, encourage collaboration and connect students to real-world learning. There are a handful of interesting and dynamic apps that turn your students into creators with the leadership of teachers.�

Making Learning Visible: Doodling Helps Memories Stick

Teachers Creativity
Shelly Paul and Jill Gough had learned that doodling while taking notes could help improve memory and concept retention, but as instructional coaches were reluctant to bring the idea to teachers without trying to out. They found that doodling causes one to listen at a different level.

Sir Ken Robinson: Creativity Is In Everything, Especially Teaching

Teachers Creativity
What is Creative Teaching? The nature of creativity is how it relates to the idea of intelligence in the arts, the sciences and other areas of human achievement. There are two concepts to keep in mind: imagination and innovation.

Create Digital Mashups In Class

Teachers Creativity
One way to creatively integrate technology in classroom learning is through the use of various digital forms, in a digital mashup. To create a digital mashup, students blend different types of content where they practice different types of literacies in a single learning activity.

Creativity in the Classroom

Teachers Creativity
Education expert, Sir Ken Robinson notes that in factories of the 20th century, creativity was not valued. Yet in the startups of the 21st century, it's critical for success. What can teachers do- right now- to prepare students for the of the future?