Modal Verbs and Vocabulary - Pre-Intermediate English with Abby #50
AdultsSmrt LiveEducationLanguage English classes streamed live on YouTube by Canadian and American teachers. During the class you can chat directly with the teacher and other students.
Vocabulary: Work - Upper-Intermediate English with Neal #48
AdultsSmrt LiveEducationLanguage English classes streamed live on YouTube by Canadian and American teachers. During the class you can chat directly with the teacher and other students.
Modals of Certainty #2 - Intermediate English with Shaun #55
AdultsSmrt LiveEducationLanguage English classes streamed live on YouTube by Canadian and American teachers. During the class you can chat directly with the teacher and other students.
Vocabulary: Celebrations - Upper-Intermediate English with Neal #49
AdultsSmrt LiveEducationLanguage English classes streamed live on YouTube by Canadian and American teachers. During the class you can chat directly with the teacher and other students.
Academic Writing 2 of 2 - English for Academic Purposes with Josh #48
AdultsSmrt LiveEducationLanguage English classes streamed live on YouTube by Canadian and American teachers. During the class you can chat directly with the teacher and other students.
Definite and Indefinite Articles - Intermediate English with Shaun #56
AdultsSmrt LiveEducationLanguage English classes streamed live on YouTube by Canadian and American teachers. During the class you can chat directly with the teacher and other students.
Reading: In The News: Immigration Problems - Upper-Intermediate English with Neal #50
AdultsSmrt LiveEducationLanguage English classes streamed live on YouTube by Canadian and American teachers. During the class you can chat directly with the teacher and other students.
Definite and Indefinite Articles #2 - Intermediate English with Shaun #57
AdultsSmrt LiveEducationLanguage English classes streamed live on YouTube by Canadian and American teachers. During the class you can chat directly with the teacher and other students.
Academic Reading 2 of 2 - English for Academic Purposes with Josh #50
AdultsSmrt LiveReadingEducationLanguage... English classes streamed live on YouTube by Canadian and American teachers. During the class you can chat directly with the teacher and other students.
Auxiliary Verbs (Part 4)
AdultsGrammarSmrt LiveEducationLanguage... Mark explains more advanced uses of auxiliary verbs, including their importance in question tags, short answers, and reply questions. This video is for students at an upper-intermediate level.
Tenses and Time
AdultsGrammarSmrt LiveEducationLanguage... Mark explains what a tense is and that sometimes we must be careful of its time meaning. This video is for students at an upper-intermediate level.
Intentions and Plans (Part 2)
AdultsGrammarSmrt LiveEducation Grammar used to describe intentions and plans. This video is for students at an upper-intermediate level.
Future Events Based on Timetables
AdultsGrammarSmrt LiveEducation Grammar used to describe plans future events based on timetables. This video is for students at an upper-intermediate level.
Paragraph Structure (Part 1)
AdultsSmrt LiveWritingEducation Mark explains the basic rules for structuring paragraphs. This lesson is for students at an intermediate level.
Paragraph Structure (Part 2)
AdultsSmrt LiveWritingEducation Mark describes what makes a good supporting sentence as part of the series on paragraph structure. This lesson is for students at an intermediate level.