
How Laser Tattoo Removal Works

Adults Health
If you're looking to remove an ex's name or any unwanted tattoos, watch and learn how a laser tattoo removal can take ink out of your skin.

A hair-raising message

Adults Health
The Swedish Childhood Cancer Foundation uses a digital billboard to show a girl's hair blowing every time a train arrives to raise the awareness of child cancer.

It's Payback Time

Adults Health
Channel 4's 'killer night of fundraising' Stand Up To Cancer is set to return with this incredible advertising campaign.

Universidad Estatal de Sonora in Mexico Ice Bucket challenge

Adults Health
Universidad Estatal de Sonora in Mexico�accepted the ALS Ice Bucket challenge from Centro de Education Bilingue Due to the water crisis in the state of Sonora UES has elected to use recycled paper and donate clean drinking water to people in need.

The Science of Depression

Adults Health
What's going on inside of a depressed person?

What is ALS?

Adults Health
Man Who Lost His Mother To ALS Describes What Life Is Like With The Disease

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge - Canadian College of English Language

Adults Health
Spokane College of English Language we accept your challenge! Canadian College of English Language challenges Club ESL, students and teachers of CCEL, CEB Mexico and Justin Trudeau to do the Ice Bucket Challenge.

How Much Sleep Do You Actually Need?

Adults Health
If you get too little, or too much, your brain could suffer.

7 Myths About The Brain You Thought Were True

Adults Health
Blow your mind with these brain myths!

The Drinkable Book - Water is Life

Adults Health
The Drinkable Book is a life saving tool that filters water and teaches proper sanitation & hygiene to those in the developing world.

Another Reason Why Dogs Are Amazing: They Can Detect Cancer.

Adults Health
Having a dog for a pet is a great way to find love, loyalty, friendship and fun; but canines are now using their keen senses for something remarkable. New studies have shown that through intense observation and an astute sense of smell (which is is about 100,000 times more powerful than that of a human), our canine friends are able to alert us when cancerous cells are present. In many instances dogs have pointed their noses on the precise locations of unidentified tumors. Read the Article

The mystery of motion sickness

Adults Health
Although one third of the population suffers from motion sickness, scientists aren't exactly sure what causes it. Like the common cold, it's a seemingly simple problem that's still without a cure. And if you think it's bad on a long family car ride, imagine being a motion sick astronaut! Rose Eveleth explains what's happening in our bodies when we get the car sick blues.

Should we eat bugs?

Adults Health
What's tasty, abundant and high in protein? Bugs! Although less common outside the tropics, entomophagy, the practice of eating bugs, was once extremely widespread throughout cultures. You may feel icky about munching on insects, but they feed about 2 billion people each day (Mmm, fried tarantulas).

Fresh vs Frozen Food

Adults Health
AsapSCIENCE crowns a champion in the battle between fresh food and frozen food.


Adults Health
Giving is the best communication.

What If You Stopped Going Outside?

Adults Health
If you spend most of your day inside, this is for you!

The Dreaded Stairs - How to get people to use the stairs

Adults Health
Here we have a set of stairs, adjacent to a moving escalator next to it.... both of which lead to the same spot on the floor of the upper level. At first no one took the stairs, almost 97% of the people took the escalator.