Why the Future of Cars is Electric
AdultsConstructionFutureScience...Electric cars are now ready to take over thanks to advances in battery technology and their inherent benefits: torque, handling, maintenance.
Can We Turn Earth Into a Spaceship?
AdultsEnvironmentSpaceTechnology...World ending disasters are common place in science fiction, and usually an inventive plan is required to save the day.
Could Your Phone Hurt You? Electromagnetic Pollution
AdultsHealthScienceTechnology...Electricity is all around us, all the time. It makes our lives easier, safer, more fun and most of us never think about it. But is there such a thing as too much electricity? Electronic devices emit an electromagnetic field, which is suspected to cause cancer. We read countless sources on this topic to summarize the results of the latest research for you.
Why You Shouldn’t Fear Death
AdultsHumanPsychologyScience...The Dolan Twins, Cardi B and even YOU are going to die. So, this is how science can help you cope with death.