
Unbelievable Myths From The 1980s DEBUNKED!

What crazy things did we believe back in the 1980s?

The Secret Weapon That Could Help Save Bees

Honeybees are dying from parasites, pesticides, and poor nutrition, but we can help them in a number of ways, including by encouraging them to make a homemade antibiotic.

Why Meat is the Best Worst Thing in the World

Meat is a complicated issue. But also a delicious one. Let's talk about it.

What If You Only Took Naps?

Just what exactly would happen to your body if instead of sleeping you decided to only take naps. - Thanks to LastPass for sponsoring this video!

What's a smartphone made of?

As of 2018, there are around 2.5 billion smartphone users in the world. If we broke open all the newest phones and split them into their component parts, that would produce around 85,000 kg of gold, 875,000 of silver, and 40,000,000 of copper.

Should You Hover Or Cover The Toilet Seat?

Is the toilet seat really all that dirty or dangerous?

Cannon Shock Waves in Ultra Slow Motion

What does a cannon ball look like being shot in super slow motion?

The Scientific Benefits of Boredom

Boredom makes you more creative, altruistic, introspective, and helps with autobiographical planning.

What Do Raindrops Really Look Like?

What do raindrops look like? Exactly how we drew them as kids, right? Wrong! Teardrop-shaped rain is physically impossible. This week I went inside a vertical wind tunnel to bring you the true shape of rain.

Could You Live Without A Body?

AdultsArtificial IntelligenceNeuroscienceScience
Could uploading our consciousness to the internet be the key to living forever?

Is Height All In Our Genes?

I'm tall. Most of the people in my family are tall. Does that mean my son will be tall? Turns out the inheritance of height is a lot more complicated than we thought.

Can You Spot The Liar?

Could you catch someone in a lie? It's harder than you think!

How We Could Build a Moon Base TODAY

Did you know that we could start building a Lunar Base today?

What If The World Lost Oxygen For 5 Seconds?

How long could you survive without oxygen?

Earth's Most Complicated Eyes | Because Science Live

Mantis Shrimp predator eyes

Does Everybody Have A Gay Gene?

Is being gay genetic?

Launch Pad Tour with Tory Bruno

Rocket built to touch the sun?