25 Days Building The Most Amazing Underground Hobbit House
AdultsConstructionCreativityNature...In this video we are going to show you how to build the most amazing underground hobbit house.
The Hubble Space Telescope For Children
KidsScienceSpaceTechnologyThe Hubble telescope has been in operation for more than 30 years, providing us with some of the most amazing images of deep space ever captured.
Primitive Technology: Trebuchet
AdultsConstructionCreativityEducation...I built a trebuchet, a type of catapult that uses a counter weight to store gravitational potential energy which is then used to fire a projectile via a sling.
Make A Paper Plane & Launcher
KidsArtCreativityHow-to...Is it a bird? Is it a superhero? No, it’s your super amazing airplane!
Cracking The Uncrackable Code
YouthHistoryTransportationArt...Jim Sanborn created a sculpture that sits on the grounds of CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia. Yet no one has been able to solve it.
Fun & Easy Magnet Experiments
KidsExperimentsScienceDo you know what materials can be magnetized and behave like the needle in a compass?
Photo Challenge: Angles
KidsArtCreativityHow-to...Take photos from different angles and learn to see like a curious creature!