
5 useless human body parts left over from evolution

Adults Biology
Your body is walking proof of evolution, but some parts have grown unnecessary over time. Here are five useless body parts left over from evolution.

Do You Really Have Two Brains?

Adults Biology
Are you a left-brained person or a right-brained person? Spoiler: You're neither. Each of us uses both sides of our brain for most of what we do. But still, there are a number of brain functions that do show lateralization, where they are localized to one side or another. Why is this? And how does it influence our definition of consciousness? People with "split brains" can help us figure it out.

DNA Doesn't Look Like What You Think!

Adults Biology
Biology textbooks are full of drawings of DNA, but none of those show what DNA actually looks like. Sure, they're good models for understanding how DNA works, but inside of real cells, it's a whole lot more interesting. Learn why we can't look directly at DNA, and find out how DNA is actually packed inside cells.

What makes muscles grow? - Jeffrey Siegel

Adults Biology
We have over 600 muscles in our bodies that help bind us together, hold us up, and help us move. Your muscles also need your constant attention, because the way you treat them on a daily basis determines whether they will wither or grow. Jeffrey Siegel illustrates how a good mix of sleep, nutrition and exercise keep your muscles as big and strong as possible.

Lab-Grown Mosquitoes Are Being Released by the Millions, Here's What You Need to Know

Adults Biology
Mosquitoes kill more people annually than any other animal on earth. But several research companies are looking to tame this issue.

Your Body Is Designed to Attack a New Organ, Now We Know Why

Adults Biology
Scientists think they've found the molecular basis for organ transplant rejection. Now that we know its cause, could we prevent its effect?

Revolutionizing Heart Surgery With Virtual Reality

Adults Biology
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to take a ride through the human body on the Magic School Bus? Well, a new bit of virtual reality technology is taking that concept and applying it to medical training. Doctors can now teleport inside the human heart and practice surgery over and over again, and this training could revolutionize the future of health care.

How Bilingual Brains Perceive Time Differently

Adults Biology
A new study has found that what language you speak might alter your perception of time.

Oxygen's surprisingly complex journey through your body - Enda Butler

Adults Biology
Oxygen forms about 21% of the air around us. In your body, oxygen forms a vital role in the production of energy in most cells. But if gases can only efficiently diffuse across tiny distances, how does oxygen reach the cells deep inside your body? Enda Butler tracks the surprisingly complex journey of oxygen through your body.

Why You're Attracted To Certain People

Adults Biology
Love is a beautiful thing, but what causes it? Well, it might all just be in your head.

The Unexpected Things Winter Does To Your Body

Adults Biology
Everyone suffers a little in the winter, be it human or animal, but how does cold climate actually change your body?

Why Isn't Our Hair Naturally Blue?

Adults Biology
Human hair comes in a variety of colors; including brown, blonde, and black. Why doesn't it grow blue or green?

The Science Of Racism

Adults Biology
Why are some people racist, but others are not?

Why do we itch? - Emma Bryce

Adults Biology
The average person experiences dozens of individual itches each day. We've all experienced the annoyance of an inconvenient itch - but have you ever pondered why we itch in the first place? Is there actually an evolutionary purpose to the itch, or is it simply there to annoy us? Emma Bryce digs deep into the skin to find out.

This Is How Your Brain Powers Your Thoughts

Adults Biology
Scientists have figured out how our brains process thoughts and the explanation will blow your mind.

Everything Scientists Could Learn By Looking At Your Skull

Adults Biology
Our skulls are all unique, but they also share characteristics across groups of people. Scientists can use this information to learn a lot about the previous "owner" of the skull.

This Giant Neuron Could Explain Where Consciousness Comes From

Adults Biology
After uncovering three giant neurons, scientists could be one step closer to pinpointing where consciousness lives in the brain.

Ocean Volcanoes May Hold Clues To Alien Life

Adults Biology
Scientists think studying 'extremophiles' in toxic hydrothermal vents could teach us about potential extraterrestrial life.

Weird Things Your Body Does When You're Around Your Crush

Adults Biology
Love has some strong effects on our bodies. From blushing to sweating, why do we react the way we do when facing a crush?

The Immune System Explained I - Bacteria Infection

Adults Biology
Every second of your life you are under attack. Bacteria, viruses, spores and more living stuff wants to enter your body and use its resources for itself. The immune system is a powerful army of cells that fights like a T-Rex on speed and sacrifices itself for your survival.

How do animals experience pain?

Adults Biology
Humans know the surprising prick of a needle, the searing pain of a stubbed toe, and the throbbing of a toothache. We can identify many types of pain and have multiple ways of treating it - but what about other species?