
The science is in: Exercise isn't the best way to lose weight

Adults Health
Why working out is great for health, but not for weight loss, explained in five minutes.

The shocking truth about your health | Lissa Rankin | TEDxFiDiWomen

Adults Health
Lissa Rankin, MD is an OB/GYN physician, author, keynote speaker, consultant to health care visionaries, professional artist, and founder of the women's health and wellness community Discouraged by the broken, patriarchal health care system, she left her medical practice in 2007 only to realize that you can quit your job, but you can't quit your calling. This epiphany launched her on a journey of discovery that led her to become a leader in the field of mind/body medicine, which she blogs about at and is writing about in her third book Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof You Can Heal Yourself (Hay House, 2013).

Why Some People Don't Feel Pain

Adults Health
Pain helps us survive, and yet some people are born without the ability to feel pain, how?

The World's Deadliest Venom Could Save Your Life

Adults Health
Some animals produce venom that is lethal to both their prey and to humans, but scientists are finding ways to use these compounds as medicine.

Destroying Cancer Using Your Own Genetically Modified Cells

Adults Health
Scientists are taking cancer patients' immune cells and engineering them to fight cancer. How does it work?

Are GMOs Good or Bad? Genetic Engineering & Our Food

Adults Health
Are GMOs bad for your health? Or is this fear unfounded?

The Healthiest Diet In The World Isn't Just About Food

Adults Health
Most people think the Mediterranean diet is just about restricting what you eat, but they're getting it all wrong.

Here's what happens to your knuckles when you crack them

Adults Health
One man cracked his knuckles in one hand for 60 years and not the other. Watch the video to see what he found out.

What Happens When A Fly Lands On Your Food?

Adults Health
Have you ever wondered what a fly is doing when it lands on your food? Laci did some research to figure out just what happens.

5 Disgusting Facts about McDonald's

Adults Health
There have been plenty of scandals and questionable practices in the house that Big Mac built, we're gonna keep things simple, by focusing on the food, the marketing behind it, and its impact on the way we eat.

The Immune System Explained I - Bacteria Infection

Adults Health
Every second of your life you are under attack. Bacteria, viruses, spores and more living stuff wants to enter your body and use its resources for itself. The immune system is a powerful army of cells that fights like a T-Rex on speed and sacrifices itself for your survival.

Is Hand Sanitizer Actually Bad For You?

Adults Health
Should you stop using hand sanitizer?

Forget Oxygen-This Leaf Produces Medicine

Adults Health
This artificial leaf creates medicines using sunlight.

Why do we feel nostalgia?

Adults Health
Nostalgia was once considered an illness confined to specific groups of people. Today, people all over the world report experiencing and enjoying nostalgia. But how does nostalgia work? And is it healthy? Clay Routledge details the way our understanding of nostalgia has changed since the term was first coined in the late 17th century.

Which Diets Actually Work?

Adults Health
Debunking some common diets, and seeing which work!

Are preservatives bad for you?

Adults Health
Food doesn't last. In days, sometimes hours, bread goes moldy, apple slices turn brown, and bacteria multiply in mayonnaise. But you can find all of these foods out on the shelf at the grocery store, hopefully unspoiled, thanks to preservatives.

Muscle-Mimicking Robots Could Change Physical Therapy

Adults Health
They are flexible and reconfigurable, and behave like actual human muscles.

Is Organic Food Worse For You?

Adults Health
Should you be eating organic food?

Benedict Cumberbatch Does a Magic Trick | Vanity Fair

Adults Health
Water can be cool, but Benedict Cumberbatch makes it cooler.

Could we survive prolonged space travel? - Lisa Nip

Adults Health
Prolonged space travel plays a severe toll on the human body: microgravity impairs muscle and bone growth, and high doses of radiation cause irreversible mutations.

How To Eradicate One Of Our Deadliest Enemies

Adults Health
We have the choice to attack one of our oldest enemies with genetic engineering. But should we do it?