
The most colorful gemstones on Earth - Jeff Dekofsky

What gives opals their signature shimmering colors? Dig into the science of the gemstone’s formation, millions of years in the making.

What makes volcanoes erupt? - Steven Anderson

Dig into the science of how new volcanoes form, and what causes their unpredictable eruptions.

Volcanoes 101 | National Geographic

About 1,500 active volcanoes can be found around the world. Learn about the major types of volcanoes, the geological process behind eruptions, and where the most destructive volcanic eruption ever witnessed occurred.


TeachersTeacher CafeWorldEducation...
A new way of telling stories. This unique website uses interactive maps, video, captions and links with short readings and vivid images to share geological information and sites. There are several different countries and places highlighted for your students to explore!

The Cosmic Origins of Earth's Water

Why is Earth is a blue planet? Because it's covered in water! Where did Earth's water come from?

How Do Glaciers Move?

Glacier ice is weird. It's solid. Solid things aren't supposed to flow. But glacier ice flows like a liquid, and it does that without melting! How is this possible? I traveled to Mendenhall Glacier in Juneau, Alaska to find out.

Earth's Magnetic Field Is Going To Flip, Here's How We Know

Scientists are using clues from ancient artifacts to help them predict the future of the magnetic field.

How North America got its shape

North America didn't always have its familiar shape, nor its famed mountains, canyons, and plains: all of that was once contained in an unrecognizable mass, buried deep in Rodinia, a huge supercontinent that lay on the face of the Earth.

Why is Mount Everest so tall?

At 8,850 meters above sea level, Qomolangma, also known as Mount Everest, has the highest altitude on the planet. But how did this towering formation get so tall? Michele Koppes peers deep into our planet's crust, where continental plates collide, to find the answer.

Volcano Eruption

AdultsNatureWorldNatural Disasters...
Additional information: Calbuco volcano has 2003 meters height (6572ft). The impressive ashes column you see in the video had a calculated height of 15km (9.3mil), from which you clearly see about 10km (6.2mil) before to get lost inside the atmosphere static zone where the ashes created a huge and dense cloud that now is traveling around the world.

How big is the ocean?

While the Earth's oceans are known as five separate entities, there is really only one ocean. So, how big is it? As of 2013, it takes up 71% of the Earth, houses 99% of the biosphere, and contains some of Earth's grandest geological features. Scott Gass reminds us of the influence humans have on the ocean and the influence it has on us.

How Tall Can Mountains Be?

What is the maximum height for a mountain on Earth!? And why?

Volcano Eruption in Papua New Guinea

AdultsEnvironmentNatureNatural Disasters...
Australian tourists Linda and Philip McNamara filmed the eruption of Papua New Guinean volcano, Mount Tavurvur, on August 29. You can literally see the shockwave!

largest gathering of snakes anywhere in the world

Every year, thousands of snakes gather at the Narcisse Snake Dens in Manitoba, Canada. It's billed as the largest gathering of snakes anywhere in the world. Manitoba's climate and geology make it the perfect place for red-sided garter snakes to live and mate. It has become a tourist attraction, but it's not for the faint of heart.

Baltimore Landslide

AdultsEnvironmentWorldNatural Disasters...
Baltimore Landslide April 30th, 2014

Coke Can Getting Swallowed By Lava

This is what happens when a coke can meets some flowing lava.

What is Sea Level?

We always hear the geographical term but do we really know what sea level is?

Fog rolling over Long Range Mountains Canada

Fog rolling over the long range mountains and burning off as it moves over Lark Harbour, west coast of Newfoundland