Why do we hiccup?
AdultsBiologyScienceHealthThe longest recorded case of hiccups lasted for 68 years ... and was caused by a falling hog. While that level of severity is extremely uncommon, most of us are no stranger to an occasional case of the hiccups. But what causes these 'hics' in the first place? John Cameron takes us into the diaphragm to find out.
One Year on Earth
AdultsFilmSpaceWorld...On July 20, 2015, NASA released to the world the first image of the sunlit side of Earth captured by the space agency's EPIC camera on NOAA's DSCOVR satellite. The camera has now recorded a full year of life on Earth from its orbit at Lagrange point 1, approximately 1 million miles from Earth, where it is balanced between the gravity of our home planet and the sun.
GoPro: Creating Fire Rain - A Steel Wool Experiment
AdultsPhotographyScienceTechnology...Rob Nelson and Jonas Stenstom from Untamed Science take us through the process of using steel wool and long exposure to create a fire rain photo.
Will This Trick Your Brain?
AdultsHumanNeuroscienceScience...Your eyes and brain are pretty amazing!
Ambiguous Cylinder Illusion
AdultsCreativityVisual DesignArt...Finalist of the Best Illusion of the Year Contest 2016
Holding and Explosion at 20,000 fps
AdultsFilmTechnologyScience...I always thought firing from the center was the best way to do it. Turns out I'm probably wrong.
How the food you eat affects your brain
AdultsFoodHealthNeuroscience...When it comes to what you bite, chew and swallow, your choices have a direct and long-lasting effect on the most powerful organ in your body: your brain.
How Do Lie Detectors Work?
AdultsPsychologyWorkScienceCan you tell whether or not someone is lying? Greg Foot explains whether or not lie detectors actually work.