
The War on Science

Adults Science
Please VOTE for science!

Is Glass a Liquid?

Adults Science
Stained glass is thicker at the bottom - so is it a liquid? Earth's mantle enables plate tectonics, so is it a liquid?

Why Do We Have To Sleep?

Adults Science
Why do we sleep? We spend a third of our lives in slumber, but science has yet to determine exactly why we have do it. Here's a look at how sleep works, why we're not getting enough sleep, what happens if you DON'T sleep, and an idea about where sleep came from in the first place.

Theory vs. Hypothesis vs. Law

Adults Science
Think you know the difference?

Elon Musk Might Be A Super Villain

Adults Science
Elon Musk is either trying to save the world or destroy it. Stephen's not sure which one.

Is time travel possible?

Adults Science
Time travel is a staple of science fiction stories, but is it actually possible? It turns out nature does allow a way of bending time, an exciting possibility suggested by Albert Einstein when he discovered special relativity over one hundred years ago. Colin Stuart imagines where (or, when) this fascinating phenomenon, time dilation, may one day take us.

The 9 BEST Scientific Study Tips

Adults Science
Ace any exam with these study tips!

Can you be tired from sleeping too much?

Adults Science
A weekly show where we endeavor to answer one of your big questions. This week, Sarah F. asks, "Can you really be tired from sleeping too much?"

What Makes Gold So Valuable?

Adults Science
Gold is seen as a valuable metal world wide. Where did this idea originate and how much is it worth today?

This Much Will Kill You

Adults Science
A lot of things can kill you - but here are some surprising ones!

Hawking presents new idea on how information could escape black holes

Adults Science
The presentation was made at the Hawking Radiation conference, which was co-hosted by the theoretical physics institute, Nordita, and the University of North Carolina, on the campus of KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. Nordita is driven by both KTH and Stockholm University.

What Happens When You Put a Hummingbird in a Wind Tunnel?

Adults Science
Scientists have used a high-speed camera to film hummingbirds' aerial acrobatics at 1000 frames per second. They can see, frame by frame, how neither wind nor rain stop these tiniest of birds from fueling up.

The Science of BACON!

Adults Science
Bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon!

What is Dark Matter and Dark Energy?

Adults Science
What is dark energy? What is dark matter? Well, if we knew exactly we would have a nobel prize - we know that they exist though. So what do we know about those strange things?

The Banach-Tarski Paradox

Adults Science
Holy moly I'm gonna tear my $100 bill into five and rearrange it and boom! I have $200.

The Science of DOGS

Adults Science
Man and woman's best friend!

How to Launch a Nuclear Missile

Adults Science
What was the procedure to launch a nuclear missile?

Are crows the ultimate problem solvers?

Adults Science
Will the crow defeat the puzzle?

What if there was a black hole in your pocket?

Adults Science
What would happen to you if a black hole the size of a coin suddenly appeared in your pocket? Lets find out!

Uranium: Twisting the Dragon's Tail

Adults Science
Uranium is a unique element, used in research, medicine, space travel, and of course weapons.

How to Turn Water into Wine - Science Trick

Adults Science
Turn water into wine! This simple science experiment demonstrates how fluids with different density can switch places. Fun to use as a magic party trick or as a demonstration for a physics experiment. Watch as the water switches place with the wine, because water has a higher density then wine. You could try using a playing card instead of the thin plastic spacer.