Go through the mottos with your teammates and try to answer the question below for as many of the mottos/ad slogans as you can. We will then have a “quiz show” by having both teams compete. Please do not google any of the slogans.
To whom do these mottos / advertising slogans belong?
- Finger lickin’ good.
- Better to light a candle than curse the darkness.
- Hello Moto.
- Where do you want to go today?
- The Power of Dreams.
- Think.
- Connecting People.
- I'm Lovin' It.
- Let’s Make Things Better
- Save Money. Live Better.
- Citius, Altius, Fortius. (Faster, Higher, Stronger.)
- The Real Thing.
- Good to the Last Drop.
- Leading Innovation.
- Life’s Good.
- Nothin’ says lovin’ like something from the oven.
- Plop, plop; fizz, fizz; oh, what a relief it is.
- Don't be evil.
- Just Do It.
- Melts in your mouth, not in your hand.
- A Mari Usque Ad Mare (From Sea to Sea; French: D'un Ocean à l'Autre.
- Where’s the beef?
- Snap, Crackle, Pop.
- You asked for it. You got it
- Please don’t squeeze the Charmin.
- Reach out and touch someone.
- The ultimate driving machine.
- When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight.
- Let your fingers do the walking.
- The future is bright. The future’s Orange
Note: Some of these mottos might be used by other less famous organizations/brands'. The 'correct' answers for this quiz are the large well-known organizations/brands associated with the sayings.