
These Illusions Fool Almost Everyone

A big thank you to Titus Grenyer over at Pep Organ for showing us around the Sydney Town Hall Organ, to Dr. Diana Deutsch for providing her illusions and insight into the field, to Casey Connor for advice on building sound illusions, and to Dr. Michael Bach for providing the motion-bounce illusion.

Banding A Herring Gull

Chris assists researchers Dustin and Emilio in banding herring gulls on the Javits Center green roof.

Miss Macdonald's Farm

Miss MacDonald helps her grandfather Old Macdonald run his farm.

These Animals Actually LIKE Getting Caught

Even when animal traps are humane, it seems pretty obvious that animals wouldn't want to get caught.

Defying Gravity

Sabrina talks about gravity and explains that when we talk about gravity pulling things down, what we really mean is gravity is pulling things TOWARD the Earth.

A Surprise On The Bus

During a game of bus, passenger Mum is too scared to tell bus driver Dad that she secretly loves him, until she gets some help from the Grannies in this Bluey highlight video.

The weirdest (and coolest) tongues in the animal kingdom

Explore the incredible variety of tongues in the animal kingdom, and find out how different species utilize the appendage to survive.

ALL Plants Have Color Vision?!

Plants can tell when competitors are nearby because they can see them.

What Is SPF?

Kids News contributor Sabrina Erin breaks down what SPF means in this video.

Magnetic Slime Tutorial

In this video, we’ll show you how to make magnetic slime with a simple, step-by-step tutorial.

This Disease is Deadlier Than The Plague

The white death has haunted humanity like no other disease following us for thousands, maybe millions of years.

Meet the wolverine | National Geographic

Get familiar with the largest member of the weasel family, the wolverine.

Which Animal Can Hear The Best?

Explore the extraordinary auditory adaptations in the animal kingdom, and find out which creature has the best hearing.

Knock, Knock, Who's At The Door?

Who is it knocking on the door?

Sizzling Beef Steak | 25 Years of the Naked Chef | Jamie Oliver

Today we're taking a blast to the past, as I tackle a 15-minute race against time!

Becoming An Artist: Paula Rego

Settle in for a story about artist Paula Rego. How did she decide to become an artist? What inspired her?

Beautiful Hands

An ode to the beauty of what our hands can create, Beautiful Hands pairs gentle language with illustrations made of hand and thumbprints.

My Search for Proof Aliens Exist | Avi Loeb | TED

Why have we not yet found proof of alien life? According to astrophysicist Avi Loeb, we simply haven't dedicated the proper resources.

Primitive Technology: Polynesian Arrowroot Hashbrown

I made a hashbrown from Polynesian arrowroot. A hashbrown is typically made from potatoes where it is mashed and baked on a pan.

Olympics 2024: What Is Kitesurfing?

With the Olympic games in full swing, let's take a look at one of the new events of kitesurfing.

How To Draw: Watermelon Popsicle

Yay! Austin and I are learning how to draw a funny watermelon popsicle!