
This Plant Spontaneously Combusts

David Attenborough ventures into Kew Gardens and unearths the shocking story of a plant that, at the right temperature, can spontaneously combust!

Solar Eclipse 101

Learn more about how solar eclipses happen, the four types of eclipses, and how to view the sun safely if you're within the path of totality.

What Is Algae?

What exactly is algae and what are the different types of algae?

Cavitation Bubbles

Slow motion sequences of snapping shrimp and mantis shrimp strikes that produce cavitation bubbles.

How Nature Can Protect Us From Droughts

Healthy ecosystems can reduce the negative impacts of climate change.

Video Lab: A Sign Of Photosynthesis

By means of photosynthesis, plants convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose, which is their food.

Microworlds: Shapeshifters Of The Sea

Plankton are masters of metamorphosis, undergoing some of the most dramatic changes of any animals on Earth.

Earth from Space: Glacier Bay

We explore part of the Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, Alaska, with Copernicus Sentinel-2.

What Is The Rarest Color In Nature?

Discover what colors are the most rare to see in nature, and how physics and evolution drive their scarcity.

White Tailed Eagle (Big 5: Scotland)

Hannah Stitfall is on the Scottish coast , on a mission to get a photo of one of Britain's biggest bird - the White Tailed Eagle.

Earth from Space: Lake Balkhash

The Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission takes us over Lake Balkhash, the largest lake in Central Asia.

Red Deer (Big 5: Scotland)

Hannah Stitfall is on the Isle of Mull, off the west coast of Scotland, trying to find Britain's largest land mammal - the red deer.

Orca (Big 5: Scotland)

Hannah Stitfall is in the Shetland Islands, on a mission to get a photo of one of the mightiest hunters of the sea - the Orca.

Red Squirrels (Big 5: Scotland)

Hannah Stitfall is in the Scottish highlands, trying to snap a photo of one of Scotland’s cutest animals – the red squirrel.

Otters (Big 5: Scotland)

Hannah Stitfall is on the Isle of Mull, off the west coast of Scotland, in search of otters. Can she get a photo of this elusive aquatic mammal?

Fireflies At The Anamalai Tiger Reserve

Billions of synchronously flashing fireflies turn the pristine forests of the Anamalai Tiger Reserve into a carpet of yellowish-green.

Inside The World's Largest Crystal 'Cave'

Discovered in 1999 inside an abandoned mine in Southern Spain, Pulpí Geode is the largest crystal 'cave' of its kind in the world.

Close Shark Encounter - Shark Ambassadors

Meet Debra and Vincent Canabal from Epic Diving, when they talk about their approach to shark diving at the world famous Tigerbeach.

David Attenborough's "Extraordinary" Waterproof Plan

David Attenborough takes us into London's man-made rainforest at Kew Gardens - there, he finds a plant with a special adaptive quirk...

Kingdom Of Plants - An Evolutionary Quirk

David Attenborough takes us through the jade plant and its extraordinary evolutionary quirk.

Normal Stuff In Not-So Normal Places

So, what happens to normal stuff (like water) when it goes to not so normal places?